Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader

FunShops with Dale Sidebottom


Dear Families,


On Tuesday we had Dale Sidebottom from The School of Play come to our school to work with some of our older students and staff. The first double session of the day was with our year three and four students. The middle session was with our year five and six students. At the end of the day, Dale spent time with our staff. 


Dale has a focus on FUN, hence ‘FunShop’, rather than ‘Workshop’. Each session started with games and the room was filled with energy. Dale talked about the importance of physical health and mental health. But today was all about mental health, and how we can all put ourselves into a more positive mindset through play. 


Through fun activities, we all experienced simple ways to improve our mental health through the acronym PEGG; Play, Exercise, Gratitude, and Giving. Through giving, Dale talked about writing PAL messages to others, letting them know what you are PROUD about them, what you ADMIRE about them, and why you LOVE them. We all had the opportunity to write our own PAL message, and some of the students shared with Dale and I what they had written about someone they loved, and they were amazing. I hope that some of you have been delivered your own PAL message. 


If you would like to find out more about The School of Play, here are some resources…



Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader