Sports News

PSSA Season 1 

The trials for season one finished today and teachers will have finalised the lists by Monday. Some students will know this afternoon whether they have been selected. We want to wish all our players who have been selected into the PSSA teams for this season the best of luck. 


Season one will begin next Friday, 1st March. We ask that you bring the notes back as soon as possible, so teachers are not chasing students on Friday morning. Your coach will set up a Class Dojo group where you will receive a copy of the draw and also the details of your child's training session. 


Please feel free to join us at the games on Friday to help cheer on the Peakhurst team. The juniors (Years 3 and 4) will play first at approximately 10:00 am and the seniors (Year 5 and 6) will play second at approximately 10:45am. Please make sure you read through the code of conduct with your child/ren to ensure both of you have a clear expectation of the rules that must be followed. If you do attend on Fridays, please be mindful if taking photos not to capture other children as they may not have permission to publish. 


PSSA fees cover our affiliation fee, bus costs and sporting equipment. There has been an increase in the fees this year to meet the rising costs of these payments. While the fee may seem expensive, if you break it down over the 12 rounds of play, students are paying less than $7 a week to play sport. 

  • Mixed Newcombe Ball - Ms Shing
  • Girls Basketball - Miss Ryan
  • Mixed Cricket - Mrs Partridge
  • Boys Oztag - Mr Kikilas
  • Girls Oztag - Mrs Ganiatsos

Swim Scheme

A letter was sent home with information regarding the Swim Scheme. Please note this is a program for weak swimmers. There is a maximum of 40 participants and forms are to be returned to the school office. Any participants beyond the first 40 will be placed on a wait-list.

Georges River District Swimming Carnival

Good luck to the students who are representing our school at the District Swimming Carnival on Monday 1st March at Bexley Swimming Pool. Letters have been sent out to students involved with detailed information regarding the day's events and transportation.