Principal's message

What a busy start to the year we are having! The buzz in the classrooms and playground as we all get back into a routine is tangible. Students are settled into their new classes for 2024 and have been spending the last couple of weeks getting to know each other and their teachers. The teachers have had planning days with their stage to prepare and collaborate on the students' learning for Term 1. On these days the teachers work with other staff including our Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Support teachers and EAL/D staff to differentiate learning for our students. 



Every day matters for your child’s learning. In recent years we’ve seen too many students miss a day of school here and there. Missing school for students means missing class work, time with friends, an important math lesson or getting picked for a sports team. With days missed, years are lost.


Students are required to attend school every day, whether it’s the first or last day of the term, Mondays, Fridays or days dedicated to sports carnivals, school excursions and incursions.


Help us make sure your child is achieving their best and stays ahead in their learning with regular school attendance. The more time your child attends school, the greater their opportunity to learn, make new friends and improve their wellbeing. Together, let’s build positive attendance habits for a lifetime.


If your child is absent from school, please let us know why as soon as possible, even if it’s just a few minutes at the start or end of the school day. Of course, there will be times when your child is unable to be at school (like when they are unwell). Medical appointments should take place outside school hours where possible and family holidays should be taken in term breaks.


If your child is feeling anxious about coming to school and you need support, please reach out to your child’s teacher or me directly. Our staff are here to work with you and your child to help them attend school each and every day. There are also helpful resources for parents and carers on the Every Day Matters website.


Thank you again for working with our teachers and support staff to make sure your child is at school, on time, every day. We all want to see our students learn, grow and belong in our equitable and outstanding education system.



Parent Information Evening

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend the Parent Information Evenings this week. We hope the sessions gave an insight to what is happening in each stage and the opportunity to ask questions.  



Sports Captains, SRC and EcoKids badge presentation

We are looking forward to presenting our newly chosen Sports Captains, Student Representative Council members and EcoKids with their badges on Thursday 29th February at 9.40am in the school hall. All parents and carers are invited to attend. 



Building Update

Toilet blocks

Over the holidays the junior toilet block began preparations for a full renovation. The ceiling was removed and demolition has begun on the sinks and toilets. We anticipate the toilets will be ready for student use in the next 3 weeks. The toilets will be a vast improvement and we are looking forward to clean, modern toilets for our children to use. Once the junior toilets are completed renovation will start on the senior toilets. 


Roofing program

The final buildings were re-roofed at the end of last year. Over the holidays Attunga Preschool had the ceilings inside completely replaced (with added insulation), new flooring and it's roof replaced. 

All buildings in the school, except the Library, have had their roof completely replaced and the added insulation and rectification has seen a decrease in leaks and made the buildings cooler in summer and warmer in winter.



The carpet in all of the classrooms in Block C (K-2, 3/4 classroom block) was replaced during the holidays with new carpet strips. This allows for easier replacement if there are any unmovable stains, rips etc. 


Air lock at main pedestrian gate

This week safety 'air lock' fencing was installed at the main pedestrian gate on Bonds Rd. Bonds Rd is an incredibly busy road and the air lock assists with keeping students safe if the gate is opened during the day. The automatic gate is open for approximately 20 seconds. 

The gate will be latched open between 9-9.30am and again at the end of the day. Between these times a student will need an adult to escort them to the office to explain their lateness, as well as lifting the lock, as it is at a height that most of our children will not be able to reach. This gate is something that as a community we have been wanting for a number of years. 


Communication with teachers

Last year we introduced a communication flow chart  for parents to know who to contact regarding a number of different reasons. I have included it below and we will be sending a copy home to all families early next week. 

We will be having Parent Teacher Interviews at the end of the term for parents to have a one to one 10 minute conversation about each student. Times and dates for interviews will be communicated in a few weeks.


Additional School Development Day - end of year

For those of you that may have downloaded the NSW DET 2024 School Calendar late last year in readiness for this year, an additional school development day has been added to the end of the year. 

All students last official day of Term 4 is Wednesday 18th December 2024. 

The two staff only school development days are Thursday 19th December and Friday 20th December 2024. No students attend these two days. 

The link to the updated 2024 calendar on the NSW DET website is below:


P & C Meeting

The first P & C meeting will be held on Monday 4th March at 7pm in the Gumbuya Centre. This meeting will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM). During the AGM we will be nominating our executive committee. Currently the Secretary role is vacant. The main duties of the secretary role is to take notes in the meeting, typing up the minutes and checking the mailbox/emails. Anyone can come along to the meeting, in fact the more the merrier!



Financial Assistance

If anyone is experiencing financial hardship and require some assistance paying the Term 1 invoice, please make an appointment to see me. This appointment needs to be made each term. The Department of Education have allocated money to each school to help with the cost of education for the families that need it.



Mrs Wilson

Acting Principal