Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Last night, Thursday March 7, was a fantastic evening for the Grade 1s as we enjoyed our Grade 1 dinner! Starting with a fruit snack straight after school, the Grade 1 classes rotated through 3 activities - board games and Lego/magnetic tile building, a mindful art activity using special colour-difusing paper, and some active games and physical activities. After a dinner of sausages and juice, the Grade 1s played on the playground, went on a walk around the school and enjoyed icypoles, before it was time to go home.


We were so proud of the way the Grade 1s showed kindness to one another, were respectful and cooperative, and were open to trying new things. What a fabulous evening we had - well done and thank you, Grade 1s!