Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef and Mrs Josie Stocchero

Colour Run!

Our week began with the whole school Colour Run. I think it is safe to say that students had an absolute ball and enjoyed running laps of the oval and getting covered in the coloured pain! Thank you to all the friends and family members who have sponsored students to take part in this activity and raise funds for school essentials. 



Last week, we were finally able to begin our PMP sessions! The weather had cooled down enough for all of the preps to spend Thursday afternoon in the MPR engaging in a range of different activities that work to develop and strengthen different gross motor skills. Thank you to our parent volunteers who assist in taking a group and running these activities with us - with out you, it just isn't possible!


In maths, we have been exploring different ways to build numbers to 10 and show numbers in different ways. Prep students have learnt that numbers are everywhere. We have found numbers on dominos, cards, dice, clocks, posters and phone numbers. Preps were able to use cards and dominos to read a number and display it on a tens frame.