Teaching & Learning  

It is important for all students to have easy access to maths resources during lessons. 

Manipulatives can be key in providing effective, active, engaging lessons in the teaching of mathematics. Manipulatives help students learn by allowing them to move from concrete experiences to abstract reasoning (Heddens, 1986; Reisman, 1982; Ross and Kurtz, 1993).


As a school, we have audited our current math resources and purchased new manipulatives to support our students in their learning.   By having the right resources in all classrooms, allows our students to model their thinking through the use of different  materials.  We value the importance of CRA - Concrete first (make or model), Represent (Draw images, tables), Abstract (written algorithm, number sentences).


Our journey began with purchasing storage cubes.  I like to send a huge thank-you to these amazing parents: Chris Saxton, Emma Pereira & Balabhadra Lange for building all 11 of our cubes in one day!  Sensational



Then onto the re-organising and delivery of our new resources.  Another big thank-you to our Education Support staff led by Antionette who helped out.

Classroom Resources

Feedback from teachers has been very positive with students engaged in math lessons.