Family Engagement

Community and Family Engagement

Inform and Empower Webinar: 21 March

The Resilience Project - Family Engagement - TRP in Action 

Emotional Literacy


Working on our emotional literacy gives us opportunities to develop our ability to understand and express different emotions. When we improve our emotional literacy, we can work towards recognising our own feelings and our ability to manage them. This allows us to cope with different life situations, such as managing conflict, making friends, coping in difficult situations, and being resilient when dealing with change.

Whole Family Activity:

Feelings Charades

  • Gather together as a family, this might be around the dinner table, lounge room, or around a garden bed outside.
  • Take turns to act out a feeling or emotion. Use your face and body language to act this out, for example: Make an angry face and stamp your feet
  • Other family members need to guess the feeling/emotion.
  • After someone has guessed the feeling/emotion, have family members discuss a time they have felt this way before and why. If it was a negative emotion, how did they overcome it?

Family Habit Builder:

Around the dinner table, ask everyone to share a feeling they felt during that day. Discuss how they dealt with that feeling and then discuss and share strategies you could use when faced with particular feelings. This is a great way to model to our children how we self-regulate and self-soothe when we experience heightened emotions

Faith Events


On Tuesday the 5th  of March, some of our year 3 children participated  in their First Reconciliation at Our Lady’s Church in Maidstone. On behalf of St John’s, we wish to congratulate each child for how wonderfully they represented our school and their families.

Kate, Evelyn, Evelyn, Hamish, Ayla, Awar, Milo, Oscar, Alex, Arlo, Mia, Rosa, Maddy, Joel, Lucas, Dylan and Quinn


Holy Week Prayer Gatherings



Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture, commencing this year on the 9th of March.

Muslims observe the month of Ramadan, to mark that Allah, or God, gave the first chapters of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad in 610. The observance of Ramadan is very personal and individual and is a time for sacrifice and renewal of faith, as well as a period of reflection and spiritual growth.

Ramadan draws many similarities to the season of Lent, where we participate in fasting, almsgiving and prayer.


Jordan Fry

(Faith/REL Leader) 


Project Compassion


This term, the social justice leaders are promoting Project Compassion.

Project Compassion brings together supporters from across Australia to address the challenges of poverty today, and drive lasting change for a better tomorrow.



If you can spare any coins, each hub will be collecting donations from now until the end of the term.



On Monday the 25th of March, we will celebrate the Hindu celebration of Holi. In India, Holi is a celebration that marks the end of Winter, and the beginning of Spring in India and to symbolise the triumph of good over evil. To mark this occasion, children will be participating in an Indian Dance incursion. We invite children to wear colourful clothing and to bring in a gold donation toward Project Compassion.


Sacrament of Confirmation 2024

Holy Family Parish would like to remind our 2024 Confirmation candidates of the important dates coming up next term.  These events will take place at Our Lady's Church, Maidstone.


Important dates for Confirmation candiadates:-

Tuesday 21 May 6pmFamily Information EveningOur Lady's Church Hall Maidstone

Sunday 2 June 


Commitment MassOur Lady's Church Maidstone

Thursday 6 June


Sacrament of ConfirmationOur Lady's Church Maidstone


Families accessing the farm, please ensure to lock the gate behind you if you are the last to leave.  This will ensure that equipment and bikes remain secure. Thank you 


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