Learning and Teaching

What is Place Value?

Place Value is an important concept in mathematics, forming the basis of various mathematical operations and understanding numerical relationships. It is as simple as knowing that "every value has a place". The place tells us “what kind”, the value tells us “how many" of that kind is being shown.

For example, in the number 172, the digit 7 indicates there are seven (how many) tens (what kind).

Place Value is often a tricky subject to teach and students continuously struggle with understanding the value of a number based on it's place. How does an "8" in the ones place mean only 7 "ones", whereas the same number 7 in the tens place means seventy? 


Teaching Place Value effectively involves moving beyond rote memorization and incorporating hands-on, visual, and multisensory approaches. Utilizing manipulatives, color-coded blocks, helps students to physically interact with numbers, making abstract concepts more tangible. This approach enhances their understanding of the relationships between different place values.


The role of language in teaching mathematics is also crucial. The way numbers are verbalized can impact students' conceptualization of numerical relationships. By using language that emphasizes the value of digits based on their place, educators can help students build a more robust understanding of Place Value.


Furthermore, research supports the idea that a conceptual understanding of Place Value correlates with overall mathematics achievement. When students comprehend that, for example, regrouping in subtraction involves breaking down a higher place value into its components, they are less likely to rely on memorized algorithms and more likely to apply critical thinking skills.


In conclusion, Place Value is a foundational concept that underpins mathematical understanding. Effective teaching methods involve hands-on manipulatives, multisensory approaches, and language strategies that emphasize the significance of place in numerical representation. By fostering a deep understanding of Place Value, students can build a solid mathematical foundation that will support their learning in various mathematical domains.


Laura Leung

Learning and Teaching