Parents & Friends

It takes a village to raise a child. 

Bunnings BBQ 

Can you spare an hour or two to help at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle?

We have some spare forms at the office or you can fill out via Audiri online. 

Your help and support is always appreciated. 


Second Hand Uniform Sale

St Justin's will be holding a second hand uniform stall next Friday 23rd February and would appreciate if you had any second hand donations to be placed in the bucket outside the staff room  .

All money raised from the 2nd hand uniform stall will be used to support excursions and incursions throughout the year. 


The Parents And Friends Committee (P&F)

The Parents and Friends Committee (P&F) is an active and friendly group of mums and dads who meet once per month to plan ways to support the school. The P&F provide financial assistance through fundraising, as well as supporting the school community via various services and social events. Joining the P&F is a great way to get involved, be informed about the school’s direction and events, and meet other parents. Members are welcome to come to as many or as few meetings as their schedule allows, or to just help out when able. We encourage a strong membership base which means we can be very flexible with volunteering. 


Ideally, the P&F consists of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social and Fundraising Sub-Committees, Maintenance and Development Coordinator (and assistant), Class Representatives for each class and Fair on the Hill Representative. The P&F:

  • assume responsibility for organising social and fundraising events.
  • meet monthly, where all parents are welcome to attend to help with St Justin’s community events (meetings are a wonderful opportunity for parents to suggest new ideas and volunteer – they usually end with a coffee, enabling parents to get to know one another)

In the past, the calendar of events has included, but not limited to, a number of fundraisers and school community activities, including:

  • Parish Fair
  • Mothers’ Day Stall
  • Fathers’ Day Stall
  • Hot Cross Buns
  • Easter Raffle 
  • Bunnings BBQ
  • Election BBQ
  • Athletics Carnival
  • Trivia Night
  • Kiosk Friday
  • Special Lunches
  • Open Day
  • Sausage Sizzle
  • Christmas Carols
  • School Art Show


Our first meeting will be held next Tuesday, 20th February 2018 at 7:30 pm in the Staffroom and should run for no longer than 1 hour - we then follow up with a light supper. Our intention is not to have a few people doing many things, but to have many people doing a few things. 


We have attached the role descriptions of various positions for your consideration.


We would love to see you there.


Parents and Friends Association – Roles and Responsibilities
  • To oversee the activities of the Parents and Friends Committee, 
  • To chair P&F meetings
  • To represent the parent body as required.
  • To attend P&F meetings and support the President on an as required basis.
  • To take minutes at all P&F meetings and present to the subsequent meeting. 
  • To maintain records of all P&F meetings and correspondence. 
  • To inform the school community of all matters pertaining to the P&F meetings
Assistant Secretary
  • To support the Secretary as required.
Treasurer (2 people required)
  • To collect, record and bank all monies raised by members of the P&F Committee
  • To keep all books of account and financial records of the P&F meetings and present a balance sheet and financial report at all P&F meetings
Assistant Treasurer
  • To support the Treasurer as required.
Classroom Representative
  • To assist the teacher in providing a communication channel between the teacher and the parents. 
  • Communicate P&F Activities to classroom parents.
  • To provide parents with a class list, indicating names, contact numbers and email addresses (only after reaching approval)
  • Assisting the teacher on an as required basis. 
  • To coordinate / organise an opportunity for parents at each level to gather together.
Maintenance and Development Coordinator
  • To organise working bees to assist in the improvement and maintenance of school property, in consultation with the School Principal and the Parish Priest.
  • To oversee and supervise all working bees
  • To present a Maintenance Report to each P.A. meeting.
  • Project management of any major tasks.

Kiosk Friday

P&F are looking for some volunteers to run Kiosk Friday. 


All volunteers must have a current Working With Children Check, be registered with

St Justin’s school and have completed the Volunteer application process.


Your help and support is always appreciated. 




Please note that all volunteers at St Justin's must have a Working With Children Check:

If you don't have a WWCC, please follow the link to apply

If you have a WWCC, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's (click on the green box in the top right hand side)

If you are VIT Registered, follow this link to register as a volunteer at St Justin's