Student Learning 


Year 6 AFL Max Excursion 'Leaders Day'

On Monday the 4th of March, the excited year 6’s went to AFL Max for a Leaders Day. It was a day full of fun-filled activities.


Firstly, we were divided into five groups with one of the AFL Max facilitators. We all set out to our first activity, my group's being the Football Zone. We were given a footy and practiced scoring using the footy goals. Afterward, the instructor taught us how to correctly kick a football to improve our skills. We were then split in half and lined up on both sides of the goals at a distance. We each had turns scoring goals while the others on the sidelines shouted and discouraged us to practice being under pressure.


Secondly, we went to the Obstacle Area set up with four activities. At the first activity we had to make it across the agility ladder. Then balance on the zig-zag inflatable, followed by crawling under the net and lastly tackling a football bag. Then we each took turns sprinting through the runway and were timed. We had two shots each. Miss Mel and Mrs C each had a turn of the sprinting and Miss Mel ran even faster than some of us kids! This was definitely a highlight of the day.


After that, we went to the inflatables. We were split into teams of about six according to our speed earlier by the facilitator. The first inflatable was set up into four runways with obstacles that you had to dodge. Each team had to relay through their section and get all of their teammates through it before the other teams. The other inflatable in the zone had two logs that you either had to jump over or duck under as it moved in circles. When six people made their way over or under without touching it, it then went faster!


Next we did rock climbing. We were first taught how to put on the harness and the rules in the rock climbing area before we were allowed to climb the walls. There were many different walls to climb at varying ability levels. They were difficult to climb and the grips were slippery and hard to hold on to. It was a lot of fun and a good challenge that showed our persistence in trying to successfully make it up each wall. Miss Mel had a go too.


Afterwards, we went on the trampolines and had a few options to choose from. There was free time on trampolines, a big air bag from which you could jump from a small trampoline into, and an area where you could play dodgeball.


Lastly, we went to the Interactive Zone. We played the game ‘Tail Tag’. There were hoops that we were allowed to go in for a couple of seconds where no one could take your tail. When the game ended I only had one tail but the winner had four. Afterwards, we played a game like volleyball where we could not let the ball touch the ground.


Overall, it was a really fun day that was enjoyed by all.


By Chloe F2