From the Classroom

Grade 5/6G

Welcome to a new year in 5/6G. We have well and truly started the year off running.


Our school camp went extremely well with the students getting to know each a little better, as well as their teachers.  We were all pushed outside our comfort zones and we all showed the resilience and determination that we have by taking every experience on with an open mind and a real zeal for adventure.  Many fears were faced and overcome by some very proud students and teachers.  It never ceases to amaze me what great students we have here at Our Lady’s.  They really are a credit to their families.


Our Inquiry for this term is ‘Museums in Motion’.  This unit is focused on people and events that shaped Colonial Australia.  This ties in well with our Religious Education unit on ‘The First Australian Catholics’.  We are discovering just how difficult time was back in the early days!


We are working on place value and time in our Numeracy lessons and in our Literacy, we are working on our reading strategies and using this knowledge to improve our reading.


Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime, my email address is –


Enjoy your week,


Lynda, Linda, Jenny and Raff.