Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Dear Families & Carers,


The season of Lent has begun. The students in each class participated in a liturgy to mark this occasion on Ash Wednesday. During Lent we are all encouraged to renew our relationship with God and turn away from sin. We can do this in many ways and sometimes the simplest ways are often the best. By looking at how we can be better human beings in our world, following the path of Jesus, we can make an impact on our world. Please ask your child what they are going to do for Lent and encourage the conversation about the growth of an individual at home. 

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Many thanks to all parents & students who came along on Monday & Wednesday afternoon to meet your child's classroom teacher.  If at anytime you wish to make contact with your child's classroom teacher, please email, dojo or give us a call. With any situations, it is best raised with your child's classroom teacher before bringing something to me. I am always here to support every child at Our Lady's Primary School but the classroom teachers are first and foremost the primary carers during the school day. 

Beginning of Year Mass

On Tuesday the 13th of February, we gathered together for our Beginning of Year Mass.  Mrs. Malcolm outdid herself again with a beautiful ceremony, holding dear all those things in our hearts. 


Congratulations to our House Captains;


Mackillop House: Bonnie & Henry

Pangerang House: Olive & Robbie

Delaney House: Catherine & Annabelle


We are so proud of the leaders you have become in our school and look forward to walking that journey with you in the near future. 


We also made a special welcome to our 15 Foundation students! Mrs. Horg has a bustling class of excited learners on her hands as these children take on all the challenges that school life brings. During our Mass, these individuals were presented with their candle, representing the commencement of their Catholic Education here at Our Lady's. We couldn't be prouder of you all!

Shrove Tuesday

Thank you to all families who were able to join us for Mass followed be delicious pancakes back at school. Whilst the heat was not on our side, this did not dampen the spirits of our amazing community. A special thank you to Marc (Matilda's Dad) and Jason (Eliza's Dad) and the many staff who made this happen. All money raised from this event will be going to Project Compassion. 


Project Compassion

Ronita's story


After the birth of her children, 22-year-old Ronita was at risk of having to leave school permanently. But with the support of Caritas Australia’s partners in the Philippines, she resumed her studies and now has a job to support her family. Learn more about Ronita in the following video.


Classes are now all actively raising money for Project Compassion. There is no expectation to donate but we do ask that families consider how they can help others in need.


We also raise money for Project Compassion through our annual Easter Egg Raffle. This is a great way to be involved. We are calling for donations of all things chocolate and Easter for this raffle, drawn on the last day of Term 1. All funds raised will go to our contribution towards Project Compassion. 



On Monday afternoon we had the absolute pleasure of listening to the Grade 3/4 students run our Assembly. With budding confidence, the kids took to the stage to lead us in prayer, reflection and share learning.


Congratulations to the following students for being awarded 'Student of the Week'


Foundation: Adelaide

Grade 1/2: Michael

Grade 2/3: Ayusan

Grade 3/4: Kara

Grade 5/6G: Cadel

Grade 5/6H: Henry


Congratulations also to Isla K for taking out the SWPBS Raffle.

Parent Platforms

As some of you may be aware we are no longer using our school app School Stream.


All parents have been sent invitations to join our new platform Class DoJo.  This has been sent to your email address.  If you have not been able to join this platform please contact us and we can assist you to get set up.


Later in the year we will also be setting up SIMON Everywhere which will be an interactive parent module.  More information will come out on this later.




Cassie Lynch