School Council

School Council Newsletter Report - 29 February 2024
On Thursday 15 February, School Council met for our first meeting of the year, and the last for myself, Chris Sutcliffe, Uday Nadella and Sal Farfalla as our two year term on Council has come to an end. We should hear soon who has been nominated and accepted to take on the role of school council members for the next two years - I did throw my hat back in the ring for one last go.
These members get to make decisions that set the direction of the school. They help create and check the school's budget, contribute to the school strategic plan and make decisions on policies like investments, payments by parents and dress code.
In our last meeting the Policy Subcommittee reviewed a number of policies, including the Bullying Prevention Policy, Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and the Complaints Policy - just to name a few. All of these documents are regularly reviewed to ensure they are relevant and up to date and are available on the school website.
The finance committee reviewed the breakdown of operating costs for December and January which includes everything from stationery to fundraising, relief teachers and staff first aid training. Changes have been made to signatories on the school bank account as a result of changes to WVPS’s leadership team and the appointment of a new Business Manager.
We looked at the breakdown of charges for the Grade 6 Camp to Anglesea, with School Council endorsing the cost of $439 per student. Forms have gone home and need to be returned 1 March to assist teachers with the planning of this final adventure for the graduating class of 2024.
Finally, we talked through the upcoming School Review, of which the School Council will be involved. This review is an important part of a schools 4 year strategic plan. WVPS will be assessed by an independent reviewer to ensure compliance with the state curriculum and student learning minimum standards. We will also be assessed on whether we are achieving our set goals and targets. This is an opportunity to highlight our strengths, but also to unpack and address any challenges faced.
Our next meeting is Thursday 15 March 2024 via Webex. All are welcome to observe.
Sharon Gatt – School Council President