Parents and Friends Group

Community Picnic
The parents and friends group are working hard to organise a team to help at the sausage sizzle for the Community Picnic.
If you are able to give us a helping hand by either setting up, cooking, serving, or handing out the orders please let us know. Many helpers make light work and enables us to have a rotating roster so we can all get around and enjoy the community picnic as well.
This year we are excited to have an inclusive BBQ sausage sizzle so there is something for all of us within the school community to enjoy.
Our next big fundraiser that is coming up is our Easter Raffle, we are currently accepting all donations for the raffle. This can be craft, chocolate, decorations etc. Please hand in donations for the Easter raffle to your child's class teacher or to the office. We would love to have lots of easter hampers, the more hamper we have the higher your chances are of winning one.
Last year we had around 50 or more hampers, let's see if we can do that again!
As previously mentioned in other newsletters the Parents and Friends Group get together to do:
* Scholastics Book Club
* Fundraisers with cookie dough and sausage sizzles
* Raffles for Easter and Christmas
*Participation in school wide events- Community Picnic and Art show/ Concert
* Our Mothers Day and Fathers Day (special persons) in May and September
We are always looking for more people to come along and join in to help with events and getting new ideas on what we could do to raise funds for our children's school.
If you are interested in meeting new people or able to contribute your time please reach out to us via email We would be super excited to hear from you all.
Don't forget that if you wish to volunteer your time and help through school activities or events, you will need a Working with Children Check (WWCC) If you do not have one already you can obtain a volunteer check for FREE online by going to
We are so excited to see what we can do for our school this year.
Parent and Friends Group