School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.


Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Radiant Rockets - FR8who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 1 Week 4.


Congratulations to Smarty Safari - 3S16who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 1 Week 5.


Student Achievement Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student Achievement Award' award.

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
AciaRadiant Rockets - FR8For showing bravery when trying new activities. Acia has shown our school value of Resilience!
JoannaPowerful Pockets - FP10For showing confidence and following classroom routines independently.
Charlie KSuper Squad - 1P6For showing fantastic resilience to complete challenging tasks to the best of your ability. You should be very proud of what you have achieved by challenging yourself beyond what you thought you could do. Well done Charlie!
MiaBunjil Bunch - 1L7For consistently demonstrating responsibility by taking initiative for her learning. You are always eager to learn and do not hesitate to ask questions when in doubt. Continue with your great approach towards learning Mia!
KellyTalented Tribe - 2N11For showing respect in the classroom by always using your active listening skills. You always THINK before you speak, showing respect for your peers. It’s lovely to have you in the Talented Tribe. 
AmiraFantastic Force - 2W12For showing responsibility for her learning. You have been asking questions to deepen your understanding and focusing on your work to extend your learning. Keep up the great work Amira!
FarleighSuccess Squad - 3P14Farleigh approaches every learning opportunity with a curious lens and consistently produces high quality work across all learning areas. Her critical thinking and creative imagination have elevated her work particularly in Writing and Discovery. Congratulations Farleigh!
NateSmarty Safari - 3S16For demonstrating the value of relationships during house sports. Nate was helping others during cricket by giving everyone helpful tips throughout our cricket game. Great Job Nate!
IggyUnited Warriors - 4B13For always lending a helping hand to his classmates and completing all of his work to a high standard. Keep up the great work, Iggy! 
IsaacThe Knowledge Force - 4T15For continually engaging with and propelling discussions and questioning of the author during our mentor text reading; building upon a deeper, richer level of comprehension of a larger text. Well done Isaac!
ZaneEducated Adventurers - 5/6J17For the demonstrating the value of responsibility and resilience! He has shown a great attitude towards learning and participation for all his classes. Keep up the great work Zane!
Nisar AliCourageous Crocs - 5/6W18For being an excellent role model in the classroom throughout the week. It is great to see you volunteer to help. Keep up the excellent work Nisar.
HaleemaCreative Creatures - 5/6T20For showing the school values to all teachers. You should be proud of the examples that you are setting as a leader of the school.


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Powerful Pockets - FP10

For their awesome rhythms and participation in Performing Arts. They have worked incredibly hard as a team for their first three sessions at Maramba and I am excited to see how much we will accomplish!


Farleigh - Success Squad - 3P14

For sharing her excellent knowledge with the class on the role of a botanist! Congratulations!


Harviniah - Creative Creatures - 5/6T20

For designing and shading an outstanding optical illusion Congratulations!



Values Badges

Congratulations to the following students who will receive a value badge.


Tenzin 5/6J – Responsibility