Year 8 Update
Flexible Thinking
Term 1 is certainly pushing along quickly. Year 8 students have settled in well and have started the year with interest and motivation.
The CATs are starting to build (Humanities CAT next week!) so it is important that students are prepared but also that they are taking appropriate study breaks.
Over the last few weeks in our Wellbeing Program, we have looked at conscious social media use. The wellbeing mentors guided a discussion regarding how social media and apps are designed to ‘hook’ you into staying on the app. The aim was to discuss with students how they can build healthy habits around social media.
Last week we were lucky enough to have Edith, one of our School Counsellors, present to the students about ‘flexible thinking’. The aim of flexible thinking is for one to build awareness of our negative thoughts and how we can reframe them, so they don’t become overwhelming. Flexible thinking is an important skill for us all to have.
On Thursday we have the Senior School House Swimming Carnival, we are all excited for the competitive fun!
We have started the process of electing our two Year 8 Parliamentarians. I look forward to announcing them in the next newsletter.
Congratulations to Alana L, Chloe B, Milla E, Mylie F, Sophie K and Viv S for their participation in the GSV Triathlon last Sunday.
Joy Ashwell Callaway
Year 8 Coordinator
Humanities and VCE History Teacher