Parents & Friends News

Dear all,
Hope you all enjoyed the extra long weekend and our fabulous weather.
We had so many volunteers help out at our last Working Bee and we thank you all for helping.
Our next Working Bee will be this Friday 15th March 2024 from 3:30pm until 6pm, so if you can help out please let myself or your class reps know.
If you cannot make the Working Bee but have gardening tools such as shovel, rake (metal), pick axes or big push brooms we could use can you please drop them off in the office. This would be greatly appreciated. All children are welcome and will be supervised by Cathy who will be giving them little activities to do. We will also provide you with a sausage or two and have loads of water and soft drinks available for all those involved.
As we are getting closer to Easter, its our annual call out for any Easter themed donations. If you would like to donate anything such as chocolate eggs, books, decorations, stickers, bunnies etc... could you please drop them off at the office by Monday 25th March 2024. Any donations will be appreciated.
Hot Cross Buns Order Form and Easter Raffle Form will be sent home with your child before the end of the week. We kindly ask that you return both by Friday 22nd March 2024.
The lucky winner of our Easter Raffle will be drawn on our last day of Term assembly on Thursday 28th March 2024. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
We have an exciting week ahead of us. On Monday 18th March 2024 the Year 3 families will be preparing to bake for our first Cake Stall for the year. Gates will open 3:15pm until 3:45pm and you will have a choice of delicious sweets, so get in early to support our Year 3’s.
Friday 22nd March 2024 we are starting the morning off with Ride2School. The gates will open at 8:20am, and the P&F will be hosting a breakfast for our children, which will include a warm chocolate, toast and crumpets with yummy spreads and a variety of fruit.
Free barista coffee or tea will be available to parents, but we would appreciate it if you could complete a survey from the council. (link)
Once we have filled our bellies with breakfast and coffee the parade will commence at 8:50am where we will get to see all the amazing decorated helmets or students in their accessories. So get your thinking caps on and I hope to see you all there.
I'm looking forward to our St Mary’s House Athletics Carnival next Wednesday 20th March 2024. Hopefully we get great weather for this. If you are free come along to Bricker Reserve, Moorabbin and cheer on our children. Go RED!!!!
On behalf of the P&F
Enjoy the last few weeks.