Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 


Thank you for a lovely term so far, and Bishop Tony’s Visit today!


Dear St Mary’s community,


Today we welcome Bishop Tony Ireland who is visiting our school and parish today and who will be with us on the weekend as we are welcoming two RCIA candidates into the Church. RCIA candidates are people (usually adults) who have decided to convert to Catholicism and who will be baptised at Easter. 


Last week the staff visited NGV to learn about Encountering the Sacred through Art - it was a fruitful experience and I look forward to putting into action lessons on Visio divina (praying with art) with the students in the coming terms.


Thank you to the families who brought their children to Prayers in Pyjamas last week  - it was beautiful to see our families connect and meditate together.


Dates coming up at St Mary’s

Some important dates to please add to your calendar this term:

Sunday 17th March  - Junior School Mass 5:30pm

Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday

Thursday 28th March - Holy Thursday, At school Liturgy at 9.15am 

Stations of the Cross

Friday 29th April - Good Friday

Sunday 31st April - Easter Sunday


Dates marked with an asterisk are important liturgical dates which we won’t have special school Masses for, however, if you would like to attend you may be interested in doing so.


Caritas and Project Compassion

Thank you for your contribution to Caritas this year. Please if you can bring your boxes back to school by Monday next week - the parish will collect them from us on Wednesday. Our Faith and Social Justice leaders have made a poster to support this project and have delivered speeches at Assembly. On Thursday 21st we celebrate Harmony Day with a casual dress day themed orange, so please bring gold coin donations on this day which will also go towards Project Compassion.


To find out more about Caritas please go to:


End of year liturgy

On the last day of term I heartily invite you to celebrate Holy Week in a unique way. This year the tone of our Holy Week liturgy is more sombre as we are encouraged to leave the term reflecting on the solemn nature of Holy Week. Easter will be celebrated with choruses of Alleluia at our first Assembly next term.


I extend a particular congratulations to our school leaders who have been writing the script for this liturgy and encourage you to come and support our students as they perform this story from the Gospel of Mark.


God bless,

Jes Earle