Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important things in this newsletter that you don't want to miss! be sure to read on for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening at Newlands.

  • Enrolments for 2025 are now open. Please complete an enrolment form for a child who may be joining us at Newlands next year. Click Here for a copy of the enrolment form.
  • Working Bee 25th February - moved to the 17th March
  • Lost property - Please check on the rack and in the boxes outside the library if your child has lost an item at school.  We currently have a large number of hats that have been misplaced waiting to be reunited with their owners.
  • Parents and Friends Association Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 20th March at 7:30 pm.
  • Our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan has been set. For a full rundown of the goals and what we aim to achieve in our school this year, please read the AIP page. 
  • CSEF funding applications are now open
  • Meet the School Council Parent Nominees in this newsletter
  • Sonya's office is now in the new administration building
  • Secondhand uniform sale on Friday 15th March at 3:30 p.m.
  • School Photos are on Monday the 18th of March