Primary School


The next  Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 18 March in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend.

Mobile Phones and Smart Watches

Many students own mobile phone and internet devices and may have a legitimate reason to have these at school. However, we require them to be turned off and in their bags until the end of the school day. During school hours, mobile phones and internet devices may only be used under direct supervision from a teacher unless it is at the end of the school day when children have left the School. These expectations include the use of a mobile phone device, including watches, in any capacity including text messaging, taking and sharing of photographs or music, gaming, or for sending emails or accessing the internet. Students need to be aware that if they are using phones, including watches, at school, teachers have the right to check for inappropriate use. 


If you need to contact your child during the school day please call the Office (phone: 6210 2228) or send an email: so that the message can be passed on.


Students who use their mobile phone devices, including watches, in school hours without permission or inappropriately will have them held at the Primary School Office for retrieval by parents. The School will not accept responsibility for the misuse, loss or theft of such items.

Year 4 Outdoor Education Excursion -  Orienteering at Queen’s Domain

Friday 15 March

On Friday 15 March all Year 4 students will be walking to the Queen’s Domain to participate in an orienteering session with Emily Ardas as part of our Outdoor Education Program. We will be leaving school at 10.00am and returning before the end of the school day. Students will need to wear school sports uniforms. It may be cold so please ensure students have sufficient layers of clothing and bring their school shell jacket. They will also need to bring their lunch (no lunch orders on this day), snacks, a drink bottle, school hat, waterproof jacket and any personal medications required for the day (please ensure that these are labelled appropriately). Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.


This activity will involve small groups of students and, as such, we will need a number of parent/guardian volunteers to help on the day. If you are able to assist us with this activity could you please email your classroom teacher.

NAPLAN Assessment dates

Naplan Assessments will occur for Year 3 and Year 5 students between Wednesday 13 March and Tuesday 19 March.  There will be no interruptions to the classroom specialists timetable, however we do ask that all children are present at school by 8.45am on these days to begin the assessments at 9.00am.  The assessments are conducted in a predetermined order, and will follow the pattern of Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy over the four days.  There will be opportunities for students to complete catch up assessments if they happen to not be at school on the day throughout the assessment period. We are mindful that this can be a time of high anxiety for some students and we will endeavour to support all students in a gentle and calm manner during this time.  Please contact Wendy Crow, if you have any queries.

Year 6 - Excursions to Parliament House

18, 19 and 20 March 

Year 6 students are enthusiastically inquiring into Australia's parliamentary system in preparation for the Canberra Trip in May. On Monday 18 March (Year 6H), Tuesday 19 March (Year 6D) and Wednesday 20 March  (Year 6S) Year 6 classes will travel to Tasmania’s Parliament House, Hobart, for a role play activity with the Tasmanian Parliamentary Education Office. Students are to wear their formal uniform and bring their hats, drink bottles and packed lunches (no lunch orders please). 


If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.

Important Dates 

Term 1 Thursday 1 February to Friday 12 April

Monday 11 March – Eight Hour Day holiday

Tuesday 26 March – Thursday 28 March – Year 5 Camp

Friday 29 March - Tuesday 2 April – Easter