Principal's Update

I cannot believe Term 1 is gone!
We welcomed our new Preps with great enthusiasm- they are already a credit to WMPS!
We also welcomed Mrs Rebekah Beard and Mr Jack Williamson - they have both fitted in beautifully and are doing an amazing job with their respective classes.
School Council:
We held our School Council election meeting earlier this week and I am delighted to announce that Jo Price is our new School Council President. Jo will be ably assisted by the amazing Jen Coles (Vice President), Kristine Bowey (Treasurer) and our General Committee consists of parents: Jess Balmer, Laura Mather, Luke Thorne and Natasha McGregor. Thanks to all parents for volunteering their time. We still have one vacancy on the general committee if any parent is interested in joining and supporting our school.
Mandy Dennehy and Clare Ternes (Secretary) will continue as Department representatives.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Andrew Noordhoff for stepping up in the Acting Principal role while I was having my knee replacement, he has done a great job!
My thanks to all our staff for stepping up and working so well as a team. We all really appreciate you.
Colour Fun Run:
What a fabulous event - please check out all the photos on the Fundraising page. As you may know we are fundraising to upgrade the surface on the 2 basketball courts and make them a lot more user friendly.
Thanks to Jen Coles and her team for setting up and running the event so professionally. I did hear that poor Jen had to go back on Sunday and clean the 2000 little balls that were in the ball pit! What a job!
I can't wait to take part next year!
We are really excited to be conducting the STOMP dance program again in Term 2 - the sessions will all be held on Friday mornings, and this will be in place of PE classes. Please make sure you have made payment for your children to attend this program.
I wish you all an amazing Easter and a relaxing break with your families.
Looking forward to Term 2.
Take care,
Meredith Thornton
Thanks Andrew!