Performing Arts

Performing Arts News


I would like to congratulate Christian K, Karl V and Eleanor M on receiving a scholarship to sing in the St Patrick's Parish Choir. These students are regular members of our School Senior Choir.  I am very proud of their achievements. If you would like to hear the choir, they sing every Sunday at the 11.00am Mass. 


Students from year 3 - 6 are preparing for the talent quest which is being organised by the Performing Arts Captains: Eleanor M, Mila B & Mia L. The first heat is taking place in our school hall during lunchtime on Wednesday March 20. The date for the final showcase will be advised in the next Newsletter. I want to thank our Captains for all of their hard work in organising this event.


Year 3-6 students who are members of the choir are invited to audition for Finding Nemo by submitting a singing and acting video. A google slide containing script excerpts and music are posted on Seesaw. Please be patient as Seesaw is still being set up. Video submissions close on April 22. Dance auditions will be held in Term 2.


Year 1-2 students who are members of the Junior choir will be auditioning during choir and class time early in Term 2. As our Prep students are still settling into school they will not be auditioning for solo parts.  We do a musical production every second year, so students will have many opportunities to perform.


I would like to advise how parents can best support their child during auditions; please encourage and assist your child in making their video. Help your student to read and rehearse their item before submitting a video. We will practise the excerpts in choir time. If your child does not receive a part, please assure them that all students are in the play and not everyone can have a solo. We have a large school of talented students. Our production team will have a difficult time allocating parts.Please explain that we have an obligation to give each student a chance to shine according to their level of ability and where they are developmentally.  The chorus is the main part of any musical production; without it  the stage is bare and the sound is incomplete. 


We are excited to work with your children


Mrs Earle

Performing Arts Teacher