Principal's Report

Four full weeks in to the school year and I don't think any of us could be happier with the way our students have begun. On day one I saw students engaging in high quality teaching and learning and can confidently say that this standard has remained strong ever since. I've even noticed our brand new Preppies taking home books to share or perhaps even try to read with their families!
As well as getting stuck into teaching and learning, we have started with some of the additional excursions and events for the year, especially in our secondary school. Years 10-12 went on their Urban Camp last week (see more below), our Year 9 Changemaker program has started their weekly outings and our 7/8 students were clever enough to plan their beach experience for the lovely warm Wednesday we had this week.
Our teachers are also learning lots. We had over 20 staff attend (either virtually or in person) the ADHD Conference in Geelong on the weekend, a number of members from our school leadership team participate in DE training this week and last, our English leaders off to learn more from the amazing Emina McLean next week...the list goes on! Professional learning is a big focus for us in 2024 and we hope to be able to extend this even further to our parents at some stage!
Staffing Update - a bittersweet farewell
It is with a degree of sadness coupled with a feeling of excitement and opportunity for what lays ahead for Alison Balchan, Assistant Principal and leader of our Secondary School. Alison was the successful applicant to a new position at Grovedale Secondary College where she will exclusively lead their work in inclusive practices.
Those of you who know Alison will also know her passion for inclusion and achieving the best outcomes for ALL students is what has motivated every career step and decision along the way. Working in a mainstream secondary school is one of the only settings that Alison has not yet experienced, having spent time teaching and leading in specialist settings, mainstream primary schools, and of course, here at ACS.
Alison is part of the fabric of Armstrong Creek School. She was here on the day we opened the school, welcoming the 2018 Prep students who are now our current Year 6's.
In 2019 the school then opened the doors to our Secondary School for the very first time. This was lead by Alison who started the programs, structures and experiences that remain today. The first year saw 19 students in Years 7-9 begin building the foundations of this new part to our school. In 2020 this expanded to 35 students ranging from Year 7 - 10 followed in 2021 with an enrolment of 42 students up to Year 11. 2022 was the first year to have all Year 7-12 year levels represented with 58 students and the very first ACS Senior Secondary Graduating class.
Today the Secondary School has grown not only in size (70 students) but in reputation with many families opting to send their child to ACS for a secondary education that is not only rigorous and high quality, but which is tailored to the individual needs of all. We are confident that based on the solid foundations Alison has established, this will only continue to grow and improve even further.
As an Assistant Principal Alison has and continues to play the many demanding roles that come with school leadership. Whilst she has embraced this challenge and enjoyed the impact she has had, the varied tasks and administrative duties of an AP can sometimes become so far removed from the passion that lead to the role in the first place – the students.
This step towards a new position, although an enormous loss to us and a huge life decision for Alison, means that she can dedicate herself completely to work focusing on inclusive practice and ideally helping to support others to learn new and innovative ways to ensure no student is ever made to feel they don’t belong.
For now, please take the time to thank Alison and say any goodbyes. She will finish up here officially on the 6th March but certainly won't be a stranger - I can see her still spending lots of time visiting and catching up with everyone here. In fact, I don't think I would be wrong in saying that there will be a few tears shed on those final days, and not just from us and the students. Thank you Alison, we will miss you!
School Council Nominations - closing on Monday 26 February
With such a large school community, it is no doubt a daunting prospect to consider nominating for election to school council. There may be an element of self doubt or uncertainty, but equally, many of our parents/carers are so extraordinarily busy that adding another responsibility is just a bit too much right now.
If however it is something you have considered and not actioned because you have feelings of trepidation about the process, please don't! School council is about one thing - continued growth and improvement for our school. You don't need to have special qualifications, be an expert on how schools operate or even know what school councils do. Being a parent/carer of a child who attends our school makes you eminently qualified to contribute!
So, if you think this is the right fit for you, please refer to the Compass notification which has further information along with nomination forms. There are hard copy forms in the office - just check in with Brooke at reception.
Monday is the last day for nominations!
Senior School Urban Camp
Last week our Year 10 - 12 students went on the first school camp for the year. Lead by Katelyn and Kate, Mel E and Mel S, the 15 students in attendance got to experience not only a one night stay in Melbourne, but lots of the exciting activities the city has to offer.
Here is a letter of appreciation from our Senior Secondary Coordinator, Kate Reed:
We would like to express our gratitude to our students, parents, caregivers, and staff for allowing us to organise an incredibly enjoyable overnight camp on Tuesday/Wednesday.
We are extremely proud of how our students persevered through the heat on Tuesday. We walked quite a distance, took part in a scavenger hunt at Queen Vic Market, and even visited the Old Melbourne Gaol. It was a huge success, with everyone exploring the haunted cells, learning about the silence level, and hearing the fascinating tale of Ned Kelly.
After completing our tour of the gaol, we made our way downhill to the State Library. Not only did we get to enjoy their air-conditioning, but we also had the opportunity to admire the art gallery. Some of our students even stumbled upon the original Ned Kelly armour display!
To end our first day in the city on a high note, we had a blast playing a fun game of bowling. We then hopped on the train to our accommodation, where we were able to relax in our air-conditioned rooms. Dinner consisted of delicious chicken schnitzel and vegetables, followed by a refreshing cool shower. The evening was filled with a movie night and a delightful supper. Everyone embraced this opportunity to rest their tired feet.
Wednesday morning was much more relaxed, allowing us plenty of time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast, pack up, and prepare for our graffiti tour. With the weather being cooler and the walk to the station downhill, we ventured back into the CBD. This time, we followed a street art tour and were amazed by the mosaics, framed art, graffiti, and incredible murals we encountered.
The highlight was definitely enjoying a cool drink in Degreaves Street, followed by an exploration of ACMI. With a few hours to spare, we all enjoyed a leisurely lunch and relaxed by the Yarra River before making our way back to Southern Cross Station to collect our belongings and head home.
Thank you for making these two days of CBD exploration absolutely wonderful.
School Swimming and Water Safety Program
This year, ACS will introduce swimming instruction for students in Years 1, 3, 5, and 7-9, aiming to enhance overall wellbeing. Acknowledging the significance of vital life skills like water safety and physical fitness, these lessons seek to empower students with practical abilities while boosting their self-assurance. Additionally, swimming cultivates teamwork, discipline, and resilience within a lively and inclusive setting. This initiative reflects the school's commitment to providing a comprehensive education.
Since 2017, the Victorian Curriculum F–10 has required swimming and water safety education to be taught as part of the Health and Physical Education learning area. Schools are required to ensure the implementation of a swimming and water safety program aligned with curriculum standards. Individual schools are responsible for determining the most effective methods of incorporating swimming and water safety into their educational programs.
Previously, our swimming and water safety program has encompassed a blend of dry land water awareness and transferable motor skills, catering to all students from Prep to Year 12. This has included dry land rescues, information on safe waterways, House swimming carnivals for Year 3-12, and water-based adventure activities during excursions and camping trips, all meeting the requirements outlined in the F-10 curriculum.
The introduction of swimming lessons in Years 1, 3, 5, 7-9 will augment these existing programs and bolster students' confidence in and around water. These lessons will be conducted at Leisurelink Aquatic Centre in an intensive format. Specific details, including the duration of the intensive model spanning either 1 or 2 weeks in Term 3, are currently being finalized with Leisurelink. Transportation to and from the venue will be provided via bus each day, with the costs covered by the DET Swimming in Schools initiative.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Bookings close 5pm TODAY 23rd February.
Parents and Carers are invited to the 2024 Term 1 Parent Teacher Student Learning Conferences.
Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 3.20-6.30pm.
Please book in your preferred time via Compass (refer to handy reference guide in the newsfeed - Page 26)
These meetings are scheduled in 10 minute timeslots and a great opportunity to meet with your child's homegroup teacher to discuss and celebrate their learning progress to date as well as to consider future learning goals.
Some important things to note:
* These conferences will be held virtually via Webex - Homegroup teachers will send link before meeting
* Students who have had a Student Support Group Meeting (SSG) do NOT have a parent/teacher conference
* Bookings will close on Friday 23 February, 2024 @ 4pm
Thanks everyone, have a lovely weekend,