Brigidine Campus Update

We are nearly half way through the term! That sounds crazy to say but as always we hit the ground running and students are settling into the routines of each of their classes and will be preparing for the first round of assessment tasks. Some Year 12 classes have already had their first SAC, and for others they are just around the corner.


The key question for students to ask at this time of the term is “What habits am I forming that will help me to achieve the goals I set for the year?” This week’s Learning Mentor lesson was all about forming positive habits. One takeaway from the lesson was to embrace the 2 minute rule. If a goal was set to be able to run 10kms, start with running for 2 minutes to build up the habit of running everyday, and then the 10km run goal becomes achievable. Don’t start with 10kms as it won’t be sustainable, we are more likely to hate it and give up or get injured. 


The same principle applies to setting learning goals. 

  • If the goal was to improve reading stamina because we know that reading is an integral skill for all subjects, then start with 2 mins reading every day and then extend this to 5 mins, 10 mins, 20 mins over the coming months.
  • If the goal was to commit to more study at home, start with doing 2 mins per subject every night. This could be a review of the work covered in class that day. Over the remainder of the term, build this up to 30 mins per subject.
  • If the goal was to get better at Maths, then start with doing 2 mins of Maths homework every night and slowly build this up over the coming weeks.

The key is to start small, do something to help you achieve your goal everyday, have quick wins and build up your ‘stamina’ over time. The 2 minute rule gives you permission to show up without being an instant expert. To learn more about the 2 minute rule, watch this introductory video.

The 2 minute rule to building habits - James Clear (author of Atomic Habits)



At the Learning Mentor conversations, students shared their goals with their parents and guardians and Learning Mentor teacher. I would encourage students to re-visit these goals and break them down, embracing the 2 minute rule for building positive habits. 


Over the coming week, we look forward to hearing about the Year 12 retreat and the myriad of opportunities it provided students to form new relationships and strengthen already established ones with their peers and teachers; to step outside their comfort zones and to embrace new challenges; to enhance their teamwork and leadership skills; to grow in faith and understanding of themselves as unique individuals about to step out beyond the boundaries of school life. It is always such a transformational experience and helps to set the Year 12 students up for the year ahead. 


We are also excited about the swimming sports; in more pleasant weather conditions! These days are great ways to build House spirit and to celebrate being part of the St Joes community in a setting outside of the classroom. Plus, we have some great swimmers who will share their gifts and talents with us. I hope that everyone makes the effort to attend, cheer on their House and have a go in as many races as they can. 


Let’s start building some positive habits that will set us up for a future of endless possibilities!


Good luck.



Geraldine Ryan

Director Brigidine Campus