Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Student Representative Council is an association of students that demonstrate leadership qualities and an aspiration to serve the college community. In 2024 we would like to take advantage of the potential of this structure to broaden our influence and communicative network throughout the student body. In attending fortnightly leadership meetings with College and House Captains, they can gain insight and provide essential input into any current issues pressing the school; their opinion and cohort-specific perspective is crucial to developing initiatives that benefit College life.
Their role is most vital in which their outreach is bidirectional, conveying the Captains vision to the community and reporting the student voice of our student population to those who can bring about change. They are to embody the College values on a scale that our Captains alone cannot achieve, expressing our Lasallian dream.
(Royce D’Mello, College Captain & Sherlyn Antony, Faith & Mission Captain)
I am aiming to achieve a balance between students and teachers, so that everyone’s voice is heard, and everything is fair when it comes to decision making within the school as it impacts everyone. I am going to do this by communicating with all the SRC’s and gaining an understanding on the students and teachers opinions on the important matters within St Johns Regional College.
(Lola Marinucci, yr12 Monoceros)
I think that it is really great that here at St. Johns, we implement SRC’s into the school system. As it gives students a voice and many chances to be heard, whilst being in a community of like-minded students. Where an individual feels a sense of belonging. The role of SRC is also a way in which students can take on leadership roles and their skills can be enriched in various ways. Such as communication, organisation, discipline, teamwork, collaboration and so much more.
(Nyawichar Machar, yr9 Columba)
This is what I would like to get out of SRC this year.
- I would like to help the SJRC Community by putting in my ideas that can help benefit the learning and the physical outcome of the Leonis house.
- Being a Year 7 I would like to try out new things and see what I can do to help my house.
- I would like to contribute with making decisions and changes that will benefit the Leonis House.
(Samarrah Leach, yr7 Monoceros)
With the SRC I look to get at understanding of the problems regarding each level and look to find a realistic solution that we can put into action as quick as possible. I plan to work on the problems we have this year and set up the younger year levels for success, setting the blueprint for positive change. I aim to be engaged with my house and involved with my house leader and srcs to make the school a more comfortable and safer place to be in.
(Darren Razu, Monoceros House Captain)
A key initiative of the SRC for 2024 is the Container Recycling scheme started by the Victorian government. The SRC will work with the Social Justice group and Vocational Major students to raise funds for different events and also help reduce landfill and waste production. We would encourage all families and friends of the college to recycle containers and the funds can be donated to the school for further good work.
A better way to recycle drink containers in Victoria
On 1 November 2023 Victoria’s container deposit scheme, CDS Vic, commenced. The scheme rewards Victorians with a 10-cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return.
It is part of important work that is transforming Victoria’s waste and recycling system.
CDS Vic provides shared benefits to the community, environment and economy by delivering:
- more and better recycling
- less waste - old containers become new ones
- less litter - cut by up to half
- hundreds of new jobs and economic opportunities across Victoria
- opportunities for charities, community groups, environmental organisations, sports and educational organisations to raise funds
- a cleaner, greener state.
Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme | Get 10c For Every Container From 1 November (