Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - A parent called and gave some very positive feedback about how professional Jade was during the SSG. The parent explained that Jade had clear examples of what her child is learning, and made her feel that her child is valued in the classroom. Great work Jade!
- Middle SS - A very big thank you to the therapy team for supporting in the sub school this week. Whether it’s creating social stories, stepping into classrooms, or just providing advice, you are appreciated. Similarly, thank you to Jacob, Frances and the OHS team for the way they have stopped at nothing to ensure our students and staff are safe!
- Secondary SS -
- Learning Specialists -A huge thank you to all the staff that have supported their buddy classrooms and other classrooms when needed! It is great to see everyone working together to help each other and students!
- OH&S -
- Therapy - Thank you Jacob and Frances for supporting Therapy with our maintenance needs.
- Admin - Outstanding work from Julie D actioning and maintaining all the student transfer data during such a busy month of February. Great work Julie.
- PCT - We are grateful to have a very caring and kind workforce that provide support to each other during times of grief. Empathy is one of our school values and we regularly observe in the day to day behaviours but more so these last few weeks.