Sports Desk
Quotes from the Oval
“My favourite thing in the Olympics is skateboarding. I like how they go up on the rails and turn backwards.” Leo, Prep A
“I had a t-shirt with an Olympians signature on it. Her name is Emily Whitehead. She was a gymnast. My cousin gave it to me. I liked saying Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oy, Oy, Oy, on green and gold day.”
Rachel, Prep A
“I like when they swim. I like when Australia wins. I swim during summertime.” Sam, Prep A
“There was a lot of people wearing green rather than gold.” Isla, Year 2
“Green and gold day is a day where you can dress up in your country’s colours. Everyone wore green and gold. I liked it. It was fun!” Mimi, Year 2
“I wore green and gold. I heard about an old staff members son from Caulfield South who is going in the Paralympics. He is in the triathlon.” Eadie, Year 2
“The Olympics has some of the best sports in the world. I liked watching the swimming, the Boomers and the javelin.” Leo, Year 2
“I liked it when the girl used the big stick and she pulled herself up high in the sky over the bar.” Lily, Year 1
“I loved the gymnastics. They did flips on the bars because they weren’t the same height.” Zara G, Year 1
“The best part was the gymnastics. When they went on the beam, they just did cool tricks. I would love to be able to do that one day!” Mia R Year 1
I like when they swing on the uneven bars. It’s kind of cool when they swap hands and when they do a handstand on the bars and then flip over. Ivy N Year 1
John Wink
P.E Teacher