Important Notices

Dads & Special Persons Morning - Friday 30th August
With Father's Day this weekend, our Parents' Association are holding a special Friday morning event on the 30th August.
We will have a before-school event with delicious pastries for sale (bring your loose change!) and a chance to craft a special Father's/Special Persons Day card together. This will happen in the school grounds from 8:15am.
As the day co-incides with our Book Week dress-up day and parade, we invite our students (and parents) to get into the spirit by dressing as a favourite book character on the morning -perhaps in line with the theme of 'Reading is Magic'.
School Council update
Our final School Council meeting of term is taking place on Wednesday 4th September, in the staffroom at 6:30pm.
As always, all members of our community are welcome to attend his meeting.
During the meeting, we will be discussing our progress against our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan, complete Child Safe Standards training, make decisions on the School Basketball court project, discussing the current building works and discussion of 2025 planning.
Parent Olympic Trivia Night
Tickets for the Parent Trivia night, taking place at the Bowls Club on Saturday 14th September are almost all sold out and we are looking forward to a great night.
There are still a handful of tickets remaining - if you would like to attend, please email Belinda on and she will try her best to find you a spot!
We are also looking for donations for prizes or auction items for the night. If you have anything that you could provide that would help us to raise money then please reach out to Belinda as well.
SKiPPS Orchestra news
Due to the ongoing maintenance works at school, the orchestra cannot currently rehearse in the Performing Arts Room. So we are planning to make music in a different manner for the rest of this term. Michael (our conductor) will offer a singing and song writing workshop each Wednesday from 8am-8.45am.
The song writing aspect will include the option for children to enter the National Songwriting Competition run annually by the Australian Children's Music Foundation.
I know this is very different to the Orchestra program but, in terms of musical development, it is valuable and hopefully lots of fun.
We will run each Wednesday in the BER, the library area in the BER building, which Neil and teachers have kindly made available to us. Parent helpers are always welcome.
Contact Michael for more information: or 0433911773