
Winter Season Acknowledgements
Now that the 2024 Winter sports season has concluded, I would like to acknowledge and thank several key individuals:
- Parents and Carers: Your enthusiastic and positive support for your sons and their teammates is truly appreciated. Your commitment to driving them across the Sydney Metropolitan area without complaint is invaluable. Through your efforts, you help create many lifelong positive memories for these boys.
- Coaches: Your dedication and respect for the boys are evident in your commitment to their interests. Many of you serve as positive role models, and the impact of your guidance will become increasingly apparent as the boys grow into young men.
- Mr Tatola, Mr Falzon, Mr Youseff, and Mr Fontana: Thank you for your excellent guidance and management of the sports associated with your roles.
- Mr Boggs, Mr Locke, and Mr Davidson: Your oversight of the College’s Sports Program is greatly appreciated. The hard work you do behind the scenes to ensure that events and fixtures proceed smoothly, often starting as early as 6:00 AM, is commendable, especially considering the challenges posed by weather.
- The Boys: Regardless of grade or sport, I am grateful to all those who attend training each week and play with determination and pride. While not all boys may train or play with the same level of commitment, I hope they will learn from their peers and show positive growth in attitude next season.
- Alex Conti, Matteo Vaccaro, and Kieran Low: Your outstanding leadership of the Firsts and your chosen sports is a credit to you, your families, and the SPC community.
Thank you all for your incredible contributions to the season.
Senior School Winter Sports Presentation Evenings
Parents/carers and students are advised that the Senior School Winter Sports Presentation Evenings are scheduled to take place at the following venues and times:
Wednesday 18 September
Secondary Football Presentation Evening 7:15 PM College Gymnasium
Thursday 19 September
Secondary Tennis Presentation Evening 7:15 PM Robson Auditorium
Secondary Rugby Presentation Evening 7:15 PM College Gymnasium
There is a clear expectation that all students involved in these activities will be in attendance and dressed in their full College Winter Uniform (blazers included).
The College requests that no cars park in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior McGlade Library) at any time. Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing the access of emergency vehicles.
Please be aware that the Presentation Evenings are scheduled to conclude by 9:15 PM for Football and Rugby. The Tennis event is expected to finish around 8:15 PM. With these timings in mind, please arrange your transport accordingly, especially for picking up your son/s.
Sports Team Photographs
Parents/carers and boys are advised that sports photographs will take place in Week 9 in the College Hall. Years 5 and 6 sport photos will take place on Tuesday 17 September. Years 7 – 12 Winter sport photos will be taken on Thursday 19 September.
Photo schedules will be made available next week and will be published for student viewing via the daily notices in homeroom.
May I remind all boys to ensure they wear the correct playing attire for these photos including rugby/football boots.
Further details will be distributed to parents/carers and boys later this term with details on purchasing photos.
Athletics Season
As one season concludes another one commences with our Athletics Squad taking to the track and field this coming Saturday in their second meet. I encourage all boys who have a given talent to step forward and take part in the Athletics season for the remaining few weeks in preparation for the ISA Championships on Tuesday 17 September. Get in, have a go, and enjoy being out there with your mates.
Congratulations are extended to Nathan Campbell and Xavier Caristo who have been chosen to lead the College Athletics Squad this year. I know that they will do outstanding jobs as Captain and Vice-Captain.
Anthony Calavassy
Director of Co-curricular