From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
With so much happening in our school community, our school newsletter is a great way to keep our students and their families informed about all the learning and activities happening.
Last week’s celebration of Book Week “Reading is Magic” was a wonderful example of our community spirit coming together to value a love of learning and student engagement. Thank you to our students and their families for all the effort you put into preparing for the parade day, and to our staff who enthusiastically participate by dressing up in costume along side our students.
Father’s Day Breakfast
Orders for the Father’s Day Breakfast will close on Tuesday evening so be sure to visit if you would like to purchase a ticket. Further details including a menu and supervision of students attending the 7:30am session will be sent out via Audiiri.
We are looking forward to over 150 families joining us for breakfast this Friday.
Swimming Program - Prep to Year 4 and Year 6
Next week (Week 8), many of our students will be participating in our school-based swimming program for over three weeks. All information regarding the program including what to wear has been shared directly to families via Operoo, so please review this information in readiness for next week’s program. Year 6 students will be participating in the Victorian Water Safety Certificate program over several sessions in the final week of the Term. Click here for more details.
Sport @ St Simon’s School
We are very proud of all our students and their participation in sporting activities at St Simon’s. Please visit the Sports page to see the latest.
Concert Update
This week, all families should have received the first of several communications about our upcoming school production in Term 4, “It’s a Jungle Out There”, outlining some items for costumes. Please familiarise yourself with this information as there is plenty of time to collect and find the items needed. The production team is very mindful of making the costume requirements as simple as possible for families to source.
School Improvement Survey - MACSSIS
As part of our continual focus on school improvement, catholic schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne participate in an annual survey seeking perspective about school culture and processes from families, students and staff. The data collected is one source of information the leadership teams use when considering and evaluating our priorities and direction. Please click here for more information.
Further information will be sent directly to families regarding how to access the survey form, which will be available between 2nd to 20th September. Keep an eye out for this message in your inbox.
Tilley Aston Community Award - Sarah Anderson
Recently, Sarah Anderson, Year 6, was awarded the Tilly Aston Community award at a community awards ceremony held on Saturday 3rd August at Knox Council Civic Centre. Sarah was nominated for actively sharing her knowledge and culture at St. Simon’s as well as her advocacy and involvement in the Voice Referendum as well as her growth, courage and confidence to then step forward to be a leader at St Simon’s.
On behalf of the school community we would like congratulate
Parent Teacher Student Conversations -Term 3
On Tuesday 10th, and Thursday 12th September, Parent Teacher Student Meetings will be held from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm with a mixture of in-person and online meetings available.
Information about booking an appointment will be shared with families this week.
Click here for more information.
St Simon’s Socials
Check in with Facebook and Instagram channels to see some of the latest activities within our St Simon’s community