Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


Brrrr!!! The week began in such typical Ballarat fashion, with piercing cold winds that chilled to the bone. As the week has progressed, it has gotten warmer; however, Spring hasn’t quite arrived yet. 


Our school undertook an evacuation drill over the course of the week, as part of our Emergency Management plan. Our drill went by without an issue, with all relevant parameters being met. Hopefully we will never need to enact it, in a real-life situation. 


Over the course of the week, we have had two of our former student's complete work experience across the school. Liam and Izaak have both been quietly supporting the students around them, whilst gaining a different appreciation for schools and how they operate. Great job, Liam and Izaak and thanks for returning to Dana Street. 


Our Strategic Review began this week, which was a culmination of weeks and weeks of work from our term. The Strategic Review provides a platform for a panel of experienced educators, our School Council President and our staff. The first day’s agenda involved classroom visits, some key data analysis and a number of reflections on our outgoing Strategic Plan. 


Over the next couple of weeks, the panel will be looking to further reflect on our school and assist in developing our new Strategic Plan. Next Wednesday, the panel will be meeting with our staff, students and some parents as part of this process. I look forward to sharing the findings of the review process, along with our new Strategic Plan once the process is complete.


Next week, our 3/4s are heading away to Lady Northcote Camp! You can almost ask any of the attending students how many days, hours and minutes remain until departure. We are very excited to be heading away to camp with our 3/4s, so please keep fingers crossed for warm weather. 


Have a fantastic weekend 😊 


Ryan Oliver