Book Showcase 

The gym was abuzz as we came together to celebrate the culmination of Book Week 2024 and the wonderful learning happening in our classrooms. At Oatlands, we consistently focus on building students reading and writing skills through the use of high-quality literature and we were keen to share this with our community. Every student participated actively as we aim to make our Book Week inclusive of all students and families. 


Once again, each year-level team selected a picture book or novel and teachers used that text as a springboard to plan lots of engaging reading, writing and oral language activities. Every student completed a special piece of writing and proudly showed these to parent visitors before the whole-school assembly. 


Congratulations to the following students, who presented their book to our audience of over 1000 people. They did themselves and their families proud, displaying great confidence and speaking very articulately:


Paige (6FH), Ashleigh (6HD), Vikraanth (5TW), Kiyara (5TW), Claire (5TW), Haaroon (4BT), Sia (4AW), Shayla (4BK), Hoorain (3EC) GT (3EC), Olivia (2JC), Liam (2SE), Lucy (1NL), Henry (1GB), Samson (PSR) and Baani(PSR)