Wellbeing News

Last week we acknowledged Bullying No Way National week of action.
Students explored the importance of being inclusive and making sure that everyone feels as though they belong.
If your child is being bullied, listening and talking with your child is essential. This helps you to find out what’s happening so you can take action with the school or other organisation. Calm and caring conversations with you will also help your child feel loved and supported.
Some key points when talking to your child about bullying:
- Take bullying seriously, and step in quickly to help children.
- Listen and talk with children about bullying. Show children that you care.
- Get the help of teachers as soon as possible. Work with the school to sort out the bullying.
- Support children at home, and help children develop supportive strategies to handle bullying.
There is some great information online to support parents in how to have discussions with their children about bullying.
There is also some great advice for supporting your child online.
If you have concerns that your child is being bullied, please contact your child's classroom teacher in the first instance.
The 2024/25 Summer Season is around the corner and the Summer Sport page has been developed to help community identify learn-to-play sport programs and participation opportunities.
Try out a new sport and connect with your local summer club or association. Visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/summersport now to find out what’s on and where you can play.
For more information email activewyndham@wyndham.vic.gov.au or call 9742 0840.