Sport & PE

Students in years 3-6 had a great Cluster Swimming Carnival.  



It's always great to see our sister schools at these events. Congratulations to all students who took part and all who have now qulified to move onto The Division Swimming in Wodonga on  Friday 16th February.  Steph will be in contact with further information to those families. Thank you to all our helpers on the day.

P.E with Dave

Classes have started working on skill sets that will help develop their motor skills for athletics.  Today Class 4/5 played Rats and Rabbits and a ball game where students paired up and had to run to the ball to capture it first which focused on sprinting  These ball games work on reaction time and sprinting skills.



Lunchtime Tennis Competition


Kathryn will be running a lunchtime tennis competition starting next Wednesday, 14th February.  Students in years 3-6 have the option to meet Kathryn .........

Thank you to Mount Beauty Tennis Club for letting our school assess your courts for this activity.