Wellbeing and Inclusion 

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann -  Assistant Principal

Dear Karoo Community, 


It has been another fantastic fortnight at KPS! Our start up program, which develops essential routines and expectations at the start of the year, has concluded and it has been a delight to see our student engaging in their learning environments and demonstrating our Karoo PS values.

Our KPS values of Kindness, Personal Excellence and Tenacity are values that we aim to display every day, in every way as we learn together.  I have had the opportunity to hear a range of feedback from our school community regarding our values and how we aim to demonstrate them each day at school.  A Year 5 parent recently shared that they now also use the values at home when discussing expectations with their children.  What an amazing, supportive school community that we have!


Karoo Primary School is a learning community.  We support students in all aspects of their learning journey, and this also involves their social and emotional development.  Social and emotional learning is learning about how to understand ones own feelings and the feelings of others, learning to value others, how to interact socially with others, as well as understanding different peoples responses to different situations and how we can support others and ourselves. 


At Karoo PS, we intentionally teach these skills through our Wellbeing Lessons, the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum, Circle Time, Zones of Regulation, Wellbeing Groups, Respectful Relationships and our restorative practices approach to solving conflict.  We follow the restorative continuum to elevate student behaviour, empathy and build relationships, which can be seen in our Student Engagement Plan.

Our aim is to work with students and families to build a supportive and cohesive learning environment for all.  To support our students further, we also offer a range of additional wellbeing supports.  Please see your child's teacher, if you would like to discuss any of the opportunities further.

I hope that you all have a wonderful fortnight and I look forward to seeing everyone demonstrate our KPS values to support our sensational learning community.


Kind Regards, 


Courtney Hoffmann