Grade 5 - 6
2024 saw the change to the 5/6 cohort teaching team, the teachers are as follows: 5A – Mrs Ellingworth, 5B – Mr Graham, 5/6A – Mr Van Harten, 6A – Mrs Dundar and 6B – Mr Salim (Monday, Tuesday and Friday) and Mrs Clendon (Wednesday and Thursday).
As a 5/6 cohort we commenced the 2024 school year with the Grayling Positive Start program. Throughout week one of the term the students had a strong focus on settling back into the school day routine. This involved resetting the expectations for all students and revisiting the school values of PROUD. Students worked collaboratively to meet the end goal of getting to know one another and by having all students feeling accepted and safe whilst at school.
They participated in the first session of senior sport with the help of Mr Pike the students were given voice and agency through choosing their allocated sports for semester one. They have all had the opportunity to choose between soccer, netball, volleystars, tennis and cricket. These are the sports that students will be selected to play against other local primary schools in the coming weeks.
In the coming weeks the grade 5’s will have a strong focus towards NAPLAN preparation and ensuring that the students are ready for the NAPLAN process that will commence in week 7. The cohort is focusing on persuasive and narrative writing this term, throughout reading the students will be exposed to echo reading and fluency pairs along with new vocabulary and breaking down the deeper meanings of what the author is intending for the reader to understand. Mathematics they will be revisiting curriculum areas: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, data, factors and multiples, measurement and money. Humanities the students will be delving deeply into Civics and Citizenship, learning more about the history of Australia and the impact it now has on the current Australians of this era.
Grade 5’s will venture out to Camp Rumbug for a 3 day camp on Monday 22nd April until Wednesday 24th April, bookings are now open for this camp and close Tuesday 12th of March. Grade 6’s will head on down to Forest Edge Camp in term 4 for a 4 day camp commencing Tuesday 22nd of October through until Friday 25th October - bookings for this camp will open at the end of term 2. Please note that all camps, events and excursions are accessible through COMPASS.
Our school students have been invited to apply to audition for the Hard Quiz Kids Edition hosted by Tom Gleeson, if you are interested please visit