Grade 4
Positive Start
The Grade 4’s have settled into their new classes well. Week 1 we focused on a positive start with all students. Positive start encourages and supports the students to settle in, understand our school values and get to know their classmates. Many new friendships were formed and students displayed great excitement to start their school year.
Students have had a great time getting to know each other and learning how to work as a team. They were placed in groups and asked to write a word together using only the four strings tied to a texta. It was fun to see how they tried to work out the best strategies.
In Week 2, students began their week of full learning. We began reading, writing, maths, integrated, respectful relationships, chromebooks and our specialist classes. It has been a delight getting to know the students so far, and we look forward to a busy but fun-filled year.
Please ensure to reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.