Grade 2
We have had an absolutely fantastic start to grade 2! We have spent the first two weeks participating in our Positive Start program, where we have focused on getting to know each other, The Zones of Regulation, our school values and school expectations. We have also began and are really enjoying our new literacy program called InitialLitIt. It has been wonderful to see our students transition so smoothly into their new learning community, connect with their peers and welcome our many new friends.
Zones of Regulation:
The year 2 students have learnt all about The Zones of Regulation, including the Red Zone, Blue Zone, Yellow Zone and Green Zone. We learnt to identify which emotions we may feel and what happens in our bodies and on our faces when we are in each zone. We also practised lots of strategies and skills to calm our bodies and help us return to the Green Zone where we feel most comfortable.
School Values:
We have begun the year by reminding ourselves what our school values are: Performance, Respect, Open-Minded, United and Daring. We have had lots of class discussions about what these Values mean and how we can show them at school. Each class has created a fantastic PROUD display that will be displayed in our learning community for the whole year. We are so impressed with how our students have been demonstrating our Grayling values.
School Expectations:
As we started a new school year, we talked about the expectations of students and teachers when we are at school. We talked about what we should look like and sound like when we are learning, moving around the school, using the bathroom, using the library and using our work books. We have had lots of practice of showing these expectations and our students are demonstrating a great understanding of them.
We are so excited to begin our InitialLit journey in year 2. We have introduced the spelling component where we have reviewed the different digraphs that make the phoneme /ā/, /ō/ and /ē/. We have also had a few Storybook lessons, where we have enjoyed reading Willy The Wimp and exploring the vocabulary and message of the story. We have also learnt three new tricky words: until, was and here. We look forward to introducing Comprehension and Fluency and Grammar next week!