Hola! Welcome to Spanish 2024. I'd like to share some highlights from our recent Spanish Specialist classes.
Our students have made a fantastic start in their Spanish lessons. They've been learning about our PROUD school values and how they apply in Spanish class. As a new teacher at Grayling it's been wonderful to see our students participate in discussions and show their understanding of these values.
In class, we focus on learning Spanish through fun activities,games, songs and scaffolded learning tasks. Students are encouraged to use their communication and social skills while playing and interacting with their classmates. I provide lots of support to help them learn, including demonstrating, guiding, and reviewing what we've learned. During our lessons, students get to hear and mimic the sounds and gestures of the Spanish language through classroom instructions, explanations, games, songs and modelled examples. Lots of visuals are used to support the acquisition of new vocabulary and help students understand the meaning of the words and phrases they are learning.
In upcoming lessons, student centred topics have been planned for each grade level. In Prep, we will focus on laying down the foundation of Spanish language learning. This includes basics such as greetings, introducing themselves, discussing their age, counting to five, and following simple instructions in Spanish. To make learning engaging and fun, I’ve incorporated games and songs into our lessons. For students in grades 3 through 6, we're revisiting some fundamental concepts they've learned previously and taking it a step further. They will be challenged to learn new questions and phrases to engage in short conversations about themselves and their classmates. Particularly impressive is the progress seen in Grade 5 and 6, who have already begun crafting sentences to describe themselves and others using adjectives. It's been a terrific start, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing their open-mindedness and bravery as they continue their journey in learning Spanish throughout this year.