Physical Education
It has been a wonderful start to the year in Physical Education! We have explored our PROUD school values and how these are applied in PE to create a safe, fair and fun environment. Many students have already been awarded house points for applying our PROUD school values in PE and we are so excited to share these achievements with all students throughout Term 1!
Can we please ask all parents to be aware of the days their child has PE. It would be greatly appreciated for the students to have their hat, drink bottle and running shoes on those days. Please see the list below to see when your child has PE or other sports programs:
PA, PD, 1A, 1D, 2B, 2C, 2E
1B, 1C, 2A, 2D, 3A, 3D, 4A, 4D
PE, 1D, 3C, 4C, 5A, 6B, PMP (All Prep Classes)
PC, 4B, 5B, 56A, 6A
PB, 3B, 5/6 Sport (all 5 & 6 classes), House Comp every fortnight all classes.
A very warm welcome to all of our Prep students and families! Prep students will have one PE lesson each week, as well as our fantastic Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) on Wednesday afternoons. PMP is a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotor and eye-tracking skills. All Prep students will be dismissed from the gym on Wednesday afternoons, so please collect your child from our gymnasium entrance.
Grade 1 & 2
Welcome back to all of our Grade 1 & 2 students and families - we are looking forward to another fantastic year in PE. Throughout Term 1 we will be exploring the importance of interacting with others positively when participating in sports and physical activity.
Grade 3 & 4
Welcome back to all of our Grade 3 & 4 students and families - we are excited for another year of fun-filled PE lessons and sporting events. Throughout Term 1 we will be exploring inclusiveness and fair play as we engage in a variety of sports and physical activities.
Grade 5 & 6
Welcome back to all of our Grade 5 & 6 students and families - we cannot wait for another super fun year in PE. Throughout Term 1 we will have a focus on Badminton, including an understanding of the basic rules and tactics of the sport.
Term 1 Sports Dates:
- Friday 9th of Feb - House Comp (Whole School)
- Tuesday 13th Feb – Netball Clinic - Grade 5/6 students
- Monday 19th of Feb - AFL Kick 2 Kick Lunch Program (All Students)
- Monday 19th, 26th Feb, 4th and 18th of March - Basketball Clinic (Grade 4’s)
- Thursday the 22nd, 29 of Feb, 7th and 21st of March - Basketball Clinic (Grade 3’s)
- Friday 23rd Feb – Grayling Cross Country (Whole School)
- Wednesday 28th Feb, 6th, 13th and 20th of March – Afterschool AFL Clinic (Whole School)
- Friday 1st of March – NRL Clinic – Grade 4
- Friday 8th of March – Inter School Sports Round 1 V Coral Park PS @ Grayling
- Friday 15th of March – Staff V Students (Basketball) lunch time
- Monday 18th – Friday 22nd of March – Grade 2 swimming program
- 22nd of March - House Comp (Whole School)
- Tuesday 26th of March - Basketball Clinic - Grade 5/6 Students