Congratulations Grade 6 Student Leaders 

At St Simon’s leadership is encouraged in all students as part of their growth as learners and members of a community. Growth in leadership requires the development of skills and attitudes that focus students not on themselves but on others and the betterment of the school community. Being a leader is not about a title but about a way of being.


Student’s of St Simon’s believe that they are all leaders, no matter the grade. They strive to always see a need and do something about it, just like St Simon the Apostle. 


On behalf of the school community, we would like to formally congratulate our Grade 6 student leaders for 2024. The school leadership team is looking forward to working closely with you all. 


Monica Rayner 


Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning Leader 

Maths Leader



Student Leaders for 2024 



Austin McCallum Zoe Brown

Olivia Howell Jillian Robe



Layla Maloney    Alex Zaharopoulos

Zara D'Oliveiro    Ashton D'Amelio


Technology (ICT) & eSmart

Amelia Baker    Giuseppe Dell'Aquila

Akira Singh    Yoshane Amaratunga



Shanisse Mathes    Conor Nyholm

Caleb Bartlett    Milla Eugenio



Daniela Di Scala    Luke White

Harvey Nye    Claire Sequeira



Carissa Yu    Zachary Saputra

Aiden Fonseka    Sarah Anderson


RE & Social Justice

Anysia Thabesan    Terrence Herath-Mudiyanselage

Rosina Citera    Kaiden Diaz



Isaac Jones    Emily Harvey

Georgia Cooke    Liliana Caia