From the Director of Innovative Pedagogies



After nearly 18 months of lead up, this week BMGS launched our first Odyssey cohort. This week we moved our idea into reality with the combination of learning activities that place students firmly in the centre of their educational experience and provide them with the skills, language and opportunities to direct their learning. Gone are the days of conventional education; the new program is all about embracing the unknown, fostering excitement, and tailoring learning experiences to each individual student.


It was a shock, no doubt, when Year 7 entered the Odyssey building and the furniture was not setup for them. The desks were not in rows. There was too much furniture deliberately and teachers stepped back to let the students decide the best furniture for the space, as well as how many of each item would be required and the best layout. There were board room tables, arm chairs, standing desks, desk that flip up and can be rolled away. The Level Up room has couches and the students were trying to work out how to best use the Zoom Bar room. Unsurprisingly, it was not long before tables were being hauled out into corridors to be used elsewhere, furniture rearranged and high level reasoning was being used to justify choices. Students who had only met each other that morning were quickly working together and reasoning what they were doing and why. It was the first of many experiences where participation grows into leadership and ownership. 


This style of learning is often referred to as Democratic Classroom Practices. Recent research into this style of education in which students have a say in classroom activities, assessment, guidelines etc is compelling. It shows the engagement and performance of students is much stronger in these classes than in those that do not use them. Examples of these practices are:

  • High-trust relationships and shared power between teachers and students
  • High degree of student voice and agency
  • Respect for children’s ideas and contributions
  • Intentional sharing of diverse perspectives, including those about challenging issues
  • Use of dialogue and group decision-making, often through protocols
  • Development of the whole self, including students’ critical consciousness

As we celebrate this week, let's carry this momentum forward. The optimism and positivity radiating throughout the grade is a testament to the incredible potential within each student. With great anticipation, we look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead, confident that the enthusiasm of this week will fuel a continued spirit of success and growth. We have begun our Odyssey and it is now time to see where it takes us. 


Mr Christopher Sanders

Director of Innovative Pedagogies