Achievement Awards

The following achievement awards will be handed out at assembly this Friday at 3pm in the JCB.


1/2CD - Harry H - for his amazing attitude to learning.

1/2CD - Mason B - for approaching every task with enthusiasm.

1/2TT - Caleb M - for a terrific start to grade 2

1/2VW - Frida F - for great work with skip counting.

1/2VW - Ollie S - for sharing his great idea for a robot house.

3/4HC - Sidney M- for being a kind and thoughtful student. Keep it up!

3/4HC - Isabella M- for being brave and resilient at our sports day! Super!

5/6GP - Cooper D - for jumping in to our class and school activities with spirit!

5/6GP - Indiana C - for being an inclusive and enthusiastic classmate.