Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,


Two salesmen were sent to Africa by a Shoemaking Company to investigate and report back on market potential. The first salesman reported: “There is no potential there; nobody wears shoes!”  The second salesman reported: “There is immense potential there; nobody wears shoes!”

How important it is, that we teach our children to have a positive attitude to life and to be optimistic about themselves.  We all know from experience that what we believe about ourselves affects the way we act. Our children are likely to become the sorts of people they believe others believe them to be. As parents, we are the main influence in the development of self-belief within our children. What we say, either positive or negative, can have a long-lasting effect on our children, because they believe us. 

“Careful the things you say. Children will listen.” Stephen Sondheim 

Our children’s belief in their own ability to do things is of great influence on their motivation, perseverance and success. Self-belief can motivate our children more than their actual skill level. If they truly believe they can succeed at a test or write a poem, they may be more likely to achieve it than other children who have better ability, but who don't believe they can achieve it. The more our children believe they can do, the more likely they are to generalise that self-belief to other areas of their life. They then believe they have the ability to attempt, persevere and succeed in a whole range of activities.  This is commonly referred to as possessing a Growth Mindset

Parents can help children to believe in their own ability by teaching them to take the initiative to make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen. Likewise, parents can help children to be proactive by helping them – not telling them – to think about options and solutions instead of problems and barriers. 

“Your mind can think of only one thought at a time; make it a positive one.” Author Unknown 

When we, as adults, evaluate our lives, we are more likely to regret challenges we did not confront, risks we did not take and contests we did not enter as a result of self-doubt or lack of self-belief. We are less likely to regret actions we took as a result of innovative self-belief or being too optimistic or even foolish. As least we made the attempt and knew the result. 

Below is the Youtube clip, “Carol Dweck – A Study on Praise and Mindsets”.  The results of the study are quite profound.

Cybersafety: Inform & Empower

In 2024 your child/children will be participating in Inform & Empower Cyber Safety & Digital Wellbeing program. This means that your child/children will be tuning in to live streamed incursions (with their teachers) every term that focus on healthy and safe digital habits. The incursion content is all written and delivered by qualified teachers who are endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider. 

These sessions aim to help children better navigate the online world and become more aware, clever, brave and kind. They will focus on topics including navigating unwanted contact, cyberbullying, help-seeking strategies, unsafe content, balancing screen time with "green time" and sharing personal information.

You, the parents, will also be given resources to support conversations with your children at home. You will receive a concise “tip sheet” each term that outlines what your child learned about in class and how you might open up these important conversations.

Student Surveys

In Years 3-6, Inform & Empower will invite students to complete anonymous surveys asking them about their digital habits. No identifying information, such as name or school, is collected. This survey is optional. You or your child may choose to opt out at any stage, please inform the school if you do not wish your child to complete these surveys. Questions examples include: What online games do you like to play? How many hours do you spend online each day/week? What are the best/worst things about the internet? The survey data will be used by Inform & Empower to help improve their programs and may be published online.

Mass for the Opening of the School Year

The Mass scheduled for the Opening of the School Year will be held tomorrow Friday, 9 February, at 9.00am. The mass will be attended by the entire school and parents are warmly invited to attend. During the mass, all the staff will be commissioned in their role of service to the parish & school community of Our Holy Redeemer. As part of this significant celebration, our Year 6 school captains, portfolio leaders and house captains will also be presented before the school. 

Parent Information Evening

A final reminder that this evening the class teachers will be conducting Parent Information Sessions in which they will outline the procedures relating specifically to their classroom and, therefore, the approach to your child’s learning during 2024.

Sessions will run for 25 minutes.  As parents and teachers share joint responsibility for the education of our children, we would expect that at least one parent attend your child’s information session.  The sessions will be conducted in your child's classroom/learning area.  At 7.00pm all parents are warmly invited to attend a special presentation in the Hall on Maths at School, Maths at Home by Michael Ymer who is a highly regarded Maths Consultant.  As some families have a number of children spread across various levels, the information session times will be staggered throughout the evening:

  • 6.30pm: 1/2 level
  • 7.00pm: Mathematics - Michael Ymer  To be held in the hall
  • 7.30pm: 3/4 level
  • 8.00pm: 5/6 level

Note:  Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the session with Michael Ymer, as this is an invaluable opportunity to learn how to support your child with Maths in the home environment.  Please refer to the Learning & Teaching page in this Newsletter for more information.

Supervision Before and After School

The children are supervised before school by teaching staff from 8.25 – 8.40am.  Commencing at 8.30am, the children may enter their classroom and begin setting up for the day as long as their teacher is in attendance.  In the interest of child safety, we request that children are not dropped off at school any earlier.  Teaching staff are not scheduled for playground supervision until 8.25am as prior to this time they are regularly involved in meetings, preparation and administration.

The children are dismissed at 3.15pm, with staff supervision in the school grounds extending from 3.15pm – 3.30pm. We kindly request that all children be collected by no later than 3.30pm as staff are often involved in a variety of meetings commencing at this time. 

We appreciate the fact that so many parents and/or guardians have been prompt in picking up their children at the end of the school day. 

Please note the following:

  • Children are allowed to play on the Junior Playground equipment between the times of 8.25 – 8.40am and 3.15 – 3.30pm, but not in the sandpit nor on the Middle/Senior Playground Equipment at the Northern end of the grounds.
  • In the interest of everyone’s safety, ball games are not to be played before or after school between the times of 8.25 – 8.40am and 3.15 – 3.30pm.
  • Children should never wait to be picked up in York Street. They should always be collected by an adult from within the school grounds.

2024 Parent Gatherings - Updated!

Late last year we invited families to open up their homes to host one of this year's Parent Gatherings, which are traditionally held during Term One.  Thank you to Siobhan & David Crawshay for offering to host the Yrs 3 & 4 Parent Gatheirng, while Fiona and Damian Love have generously offered to open up their home for the Yrs 5 & 6 Parent Gathering.  However, due to personal circumstances the Lewis' are now unable to host the Prep - Yr 2 Parent Evening.  So, if there is a family willing to open up their home, we would be more than appreciative.  We originally had the 23 February set aside for the Prep - 2 evening, but may need to be flexible with dates under the current circumstances.  Host families simply need to supply the home, a bucket of ice for drinks and some glasses. Please reach out to me if you can help out.

  • Prep - Yr 2 Parent Evening: ___________________________
  • Yrs 3 & 4 Parent Evening: 1 March at the Crawshay's home
  • Yrs 5 & 6 Parent Evening: 15 March 2024 at the Love's home 

Aboriginal Mural Depicting OHR's Story

The background has been primed, the paint has been stirred and Shanai has begun to weave together the story of OHR using her incredible artistry. While the students pulled up a patch and watched Shanai at work they asked her questions about the symbols, colours and design that she had planned. Shanai shared how she has worked out weaving of the connection to country, learning spaces, teachers, students, family, and community throughout her painting under the banner of Grow, Learn, Succeed. Shanai spoke to me of hearing wonderful conversations between the students about how they could see the ideas they brainstormed last year come to life! The children were enthralled. We all can’t wait to watch this incredible painting evolve over the coming days and weeks.


Penny Hansen

Child Absences - Repeated

  • In order that the safety of all children at OHR is met is met during school hours, it is important that student absences are reported to the school by phone or email prior to 8.45am on the day of absence. All registered schools must record student attendance twice per day and note the reason for each absence.  This is necessary to: (a) meet legislative requirements; and (b) discharge the school’s duty of care to all students.  To this end, and for your child’s safety, we ask for your assistance with this important matter.
  • The staff at the school must be able to account for the absence of a child, so please ensure that any emails providing the reason for the absence are sent to both Heather ( and the classroom teacher.

Parents will always be notified when there is an unexplained absence.  

No Assembly this Monday

There will be no school assembly this Monday as the students in Years 5&6 will be involved in the GRIP Student Leadership Conference.  The day will be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

School Photos

School Photo Day will be Monday 26th February 2024. Click on link below for online ordering instructions as online ordering is now available. 



Wishing everyone a great weekend,

Frank Dame