Wellbeing Update

As the year draws to a close we find the James Busby High School Community focusing on one of our values in particular: EXCELLENCE!
Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or of high quality.
Students in all grades celebrated the end of the academic year through attendance and participation in formal assemblies and presentation night.
Formal assemblies were held in the school hall and students who worked diligently throughout the year were nominated by their teachers for an achievement award. One student per class was recognised for each subject.
Presentation night recognised the first ranked student in every course. These students were presented with an academic award. There were several awards to recognise excellence in the sporting and community spheres.
This year 4 students attained Gold Medallion level in the James Busby merit award system. This is a rare event and means that these students have worked consistently and been recognised by their teachers, through the issuing of merit awards. Reaching Gold Medallion level means they have surpassed Bronze, Silver and Gold Principal awards.
A huge congratulations to:
Liam Barnes
George Gerges
Avni Prasad
Arthin Qas Mousa
These students joined the principal for a recognition morning tea and were presented with prizes to recognise their efforts. We look forward to more students reaching gold medallion in the future.
While we are proud to recognise our students who have achieved excellence, we know that many students have met their personal goals and worked well this year. We encourage every student to set specific and achievable goals for 2024 and hope more of our community will be celebrated throughout the year.
We wish every family a safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in 2024.
From Your Head Teachers - Wellbeing
Ms Prins, Ms Sandilands and Mrs Narayan