Deputy Principal's Update

Dear Parents/Carers and students,
Congratulations to students for their work this year. There have been some amazing examples of students’ talents and abilities demonstrated in the art exhibition and many performances throughout the year including in the NSW School Spectacular and Shining Stars. I thank all the staff who supported them in achieving their best in the Creative and Performing Arts including: Ms Devi, Ms Cattanach, Ms Pinder, Ms Au and Mr Roberts. I would also like to thank all of the Special Education Faulty for supporting students to engage in these activities by making an extra effort to support students at school.
I thank the two Head Teachers - Ms Mohammad and Ms Devi for their collegial support, teamwork and strong ongoing commitment to the school. I would also like to thank the twenty-eight staff members in the Special Education Support Faculty for their hard work this year. Teamwork really does make a difference.
As a faculty, we have continued to strive for Excellence in Leading Learning. I thank Ms Mohamad for organising the SLSO TAFE practicum program where we had over ten TAFE students complete their practicum at our school. We were active in leading a combined network Special Education Head Teacher Community of Practice and were involved at a state level with a representative on the Inclusion Community of Practice Executive Team. A number of schools have been in contact to request resources and we willingly continue to share our learning.
Commendation is due to many students for their improved work ethic and responsible attitude towards school. I have seen a great improvement in many students’ positivity and social interactions. I have seen students relating better with their peers which is great. I would like to thank Ms Julie Moon, Ms Au, Ms Mohammad, Ms Devi and the school counsellors for their great work in supporting student wellbeing.
I would like to thank parents and carers who have worked well with us throughout the year. In particular, I would like to thank the parents and/or carers of Year 12 for their kind words of appreciation. Your words of encouragement mean a great deal to myself and the teachers as we endeavour to work to the best of our ability, over many years, to see these students reach their potential. Thank you for being guided by us as education professionals, supporting us in challenging times and working together with us towards positive solutions. I wish all Year 12 students and their families the very best for their futures.
Next year, we have a large number of students starting in the support Unit. We welcome all new families and look forward to working with you.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday. I hope you all enjoy the summer break.
Thanks again,
Mrs Veronica Mafi
Deputy Principal Support and Inclusion