Prefect Induction Ceremony

This term we formally inducted our new Prefect Team and presented them with their badges. It was also an opportunity to farewell our outgoing 2023 Prefect Team
During the ceremony, our incoming prefects signed a Prefect Contract. This contract states that all prefects will always strive to achieve their goals to the best of their abilities, and work as a team to ensure they create an atmosphere of excellence, tolerance and above all, respect for themselves, the school community and for each other.
By signing the contract, all elected leaders make a promise that they will lead by example.
They also make a promise that they will display pride in and respect for themselves and our school community. Elected leaders also commit to upholding our school values: Excellence, Equality, Respect and Safety.
We thank the 2023 Prefect Team for their outstanding leadership and service to our school community.
We'd also like to wish our 2024 Prefect Team the best of luck as they begin their journeys as leaders of our school. They have already demonstrated their maturity and committed approach through their involvement in our recent Year 6 Orientation Day.
Thank you also to the parents and carers who attended our Prefect Induction Ceremony. Your attendance was greatly appreciated.
Ms A Khuder
Prefect Coordinator