Principal's Report

This year we achieved many things at James Busby High School. We were moved by Tony Hoang and Johnny Nguyen from Inspire 180 with their motivational stories of redemption and purpose. We danced our way across the year from Schools Spectacular to the Synergy Dance Festival. Our Haka Warriors roared, and our Aboriginal Dancers entranced us all with rich cultural connectedness. We were visited by Australian Olympians, heard empowering stories of courage and leadership, and took part in countless workshops and events. We had art exhibitions, rappers, DJs, and celebrities in 2024. This was a year full of events. We saw our students present engaging speeches and arguments on topics such as the validity of AI and teaching as well as pop-up museums. The mobile Tutankhamen Museum as well as Science Expo were also wonderful educational opportunities that our students explored. We got in touch with our rich and diverse cultural heritage with our Multi-cultural Day in September. The year was completed with the Year 12 Formal at Le Montage, where our wonderful students and staff collectively celebrated their completion of high school. The school also ensured the recognition of our exceptional students at the JBHS Presentation Night at Liverpool Catholic Club in term 4 and finally our talented musicians charmed us with their fabulous beats and melodic tunes. These are just a few of the fabulous things that happened this year at JBHS.
I would like to thank the remarkable staff at our school for their collective teamwork in creating a harmonious and positive school climate. Our staff work tirelessly to ensure that our students are given multiple opportunities to connect, succeed, learn, and thrive. Thank you to Ms Cattanach and Mr Ghazal for all of their hard work throughout their years at JBHS; we would like to wish them all the best in their new schools in 2024.
Thank you to the senior executive team Ms Mafi, Ms Kumar, Mr Mc Cabe and Mr Narayan for all of their hard work and ongoing support of our students, staff and community. Thank you to all of our head teachers, teachers, SLSOs, SSO, SASS staff, parents/carers, external agencies, and community members for all of their ongoing support and commitment to our school. Together we can achieve remarkable things - as someone famous once said, “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.” Thank you everyone for all of your work in 2023, enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing you all in 2024.
Mrs M Gouganovski
Relieving Principal