Attendance Report 

New Attendance Incentive for 2024 – The Golden Ticket Program

We are committed to maintaining a strong emphasis on improving attendance at Melton West Primary School this year. A continued focus on attendance is vital in ensuring that all our students fully engage in their educational journey, enabling them to learn, grow, and develop their academic, social, and emotional skills. As you may recall, over the past 24 months, we have recognised and celebrated attendance improvements every Friday during our school assembly by announcing the classes with the best attendance each week. This involved the class with the highest attendance being awarded with a certificate and a trophy to proudly display in their classroom. These certificates were also prominently showcased at the front of our school office. Most students embraced this incentive, which has fostered a sense of collaboration and has served as a constant reminder that 'Every Day Counts!' Thanks to the success of this program, we will continue to celebrate attendance data in a similar manner during our weekly assemblies.


In addition, we will maintain the Zooper Dooper Class Parties for the classes with the highest attendance rate in their cohort during the term. However, this year, we are making a change. Instead of the Pizza Party, we are introducing the 'Golden Ticket' program. 

Students will create their own Golden Ticket. These will be displayed in their classroom and over the fortnight, anytime a child is late or absent, they will remove their ticket from te display. Each fortnight, any tickets remaining on display will be brought to assembly , placed in a box, with ONE lucky winner being drawn to receive a special prize. This exciting incentive ensures that students with 100% attendance have the chance to receive a substantial incentive for their great attendance record. If their ticket is removed in a fortnightly period, they will have the opportunity to be part of the next fortnight drawer. 


We eagerly anticipate the implementation of this attendance incentive this year and are thrilled to see our community continue to prioritise attendance throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please make an appointment through the office to talk to the Attendance Office – Ms Liza Dearing.


Kind Regards

Liza Dearing 

Attendance Officer