Performing Arts

Music Matters

Thank you! 

The past week has seen our Performing Arts community shine once again.

Our Commencement Mass last Friday at Oxford Falls saw a group of our finest musicians from Years 9 – 12, along with the Junior and Senior Chorales, providing beautiful music with very little preparation time. These young men generously share their talents throughout the school year, giving joy to so many. 


Performing Arts Parents’ Information Evening. Thank you to the parents who came to learn about our extensive Performing Arts program at St Pius X College, where we discussed in detail what we offer in terms of curriculum, cocurricular activities and private tuition. Parents were able to ask questions and liaise with some of our staff members and Clipboard issues were ironed out.

This was followed by a successful PAPA AGM, where a new committee was established, welcoming some new and old faces to the group. Please read the PAPA AGM report from the new 2024 President, Mrs Sylvia Ulevik, further below.

We started our Parents’ Information Evening and PAPA AGM with a Prayer for Young Performers that I have been asked to share with you:


Prayer for Young Performers 

Loving God, 

We come to you with hearts full of gratitude for our young actors and musicians who bless us with their extraordinary talents. Thank you for the beauty and inspiration they bring into our lives through their work. 

Grant them the wisdom to make choices that align with their values and lead to personal and artistic growth.

May they continue to touch our lives, inspire our spirits, and bring joy to our hearts through their remarkable performances.

Blessed Edmund Rice, All: Pray for Us​     

St Pius X,  All: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts, All: Forever

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Head of Performing Arts


Ensemble rehearsals are well and truly up and running, with most groups in their 2nd week of rehearsing. Exciting new pieces are being learnt for future performances, whilst it is great to hear the comradery forming between new band members and see the large numbers of students participating in all ensembles. There is still time to join any of the ensembles on offer for those who haven’t yet signed up, so if any of the ensembles below interest you, please come and have a go! There are still spots available in most ensembles. You can sign your child up through Clipboard if you have not done so, which will allow you to view your rehearsal calendar, as well as log and keep track of absences. If you have any issues with Clipboard with regards to performing arts please email Clipboard will now stay open for both Ensembles and Private Tuition throughout the year.


The rehearsal schedule for all ensembles is attached below: 


Intermediate Drama Ensemble

Year 7 & 8 students from the Intermediate Drama Ensemble engaged in a variety of interactive exercises and games designed to sharpen their improvisational skills. They learnt how to think on their feet, adapt to unexpected situations, and create compelling scenes and characters in the moment. Please see the photos from Week 2.

Notice: There will be NO Intermediate Drama Ensemble in Week 3 due to the school swimming carnival. 

See you on the 22nd for more improvisation and theatre sports activities with Daniel Cordeaux and myself.

Ms Penny Lindley - Drama Coordinator

From the Performing Arts Parents Association Committee (PAPA)

We were delighted to have a great turn out at Monday’s AGM, and now have a full PAPA Committee for 2024, plus a 'band' (excuse the pun!) of new general committee helper members.


2024 Performing Arts Parents’ Association (PAPA) Committee members 

President: Sylvia Ulevik (parent of Marcus, Yr8, & James, Yr6)

Vice President: Simon Kennedy (parent of Fletcher, Yr8)

Treasurer: Barnaby Rands (parent of Angus, Yr6)

Secretary: Elena Mirenzi (parent of Paolo, Yr8, & Dante, Yr5)

Events Coordinator: Jana Gibson (parent of Angus, Yr10)

Social Coordinator: Tiffany Thomas-McCarthy (parent of Harry, Yr8)


We are already busy planning for a fun year of supporting all boys participating in Performing Arts both within the Music and Drama classroom curriculum and through our 28 ensembles!



This year, PAPA will be holding a Fundraiser Stand-up Comedy Night, on Saturday, 4 May - put it in your diaries now!!!

This event is open to all in the SPX community (not just families of boys in Performing Arts).

Please join us for what promises to be a great evening of entertainment while helping raise funds to support our boys’ Performing Arts activities.


Watch this space for further details…

Mrs Sylvia Ulevik - PAPA President